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Caves for Breeding Madtoms

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#1 Guest_NVCichlids_*

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Posted 17 June 2010 - 10:08 AM

My group of madtoms are definately at sexual maturity. I have in there a small plastic cave which is burried in the substrate with rocks over causing a dark cave. I am wondering, what types/size of caves should I be offering them to stimulate them into breeding? Right now I have two that hide under one ledge, two under another, the big momma in the plastic cave and two that hide in the anubias plants. I really am hoping to breed these, but don't know what to offer in terms of caves.

Thanks in advance,

#2 Guest_NVCichlids_*

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Posted 17 June 2010 - 03:19 PM

oh, I should note that the plastic cave is an old freeze dried daphnia container with a 2" opening and about 6" deep

#3 Guest_Irate Mormon_*

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
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Posted 18 June 2010 - 11:23 PM

Those daphnia containers are known to be toxic. The mold release compounds used in their manufacture are deadly to madtoms.

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