This is somewhat of an extension to Casper's post " Why Join NANFA?"
I've seen a few people, both members and non-members, say "NANFA should _________ (fill in the blank)" . Well, if you are a member, you are NANFA. NANFA is not just the Board of Directors, Member Services, Regional Reps and Contacts, various committees, or forum staff. If you are not a member, join and become involved yourself.
If you think NANFA should write a letter to your state DNR or wildlife office because they are imposing regulations that go against NANFA's mission, compose the letter yourself, pass it around, and submit it to the BoD for consideration.
If you think NANFA should contribute to a good cause, do the groundwork, get the information, and submit it to the BoD for consideration.
If you think NANFA should have a knowledge repository / wiki / encyclopedia, take the initiative and do it.
Everything that NANFA does, is done by individuals willing to donate their time and/or money and give NANFA the credit. This includes American Currents, AC on CD, regional trips, designing and selling stickers and t-shirts, managing the various web entities, updating the species checklist, writing letters of concern, and teaming with other organizations.

Who is NANFA?
Started by
, Aug 12 2010 10:03 AM
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