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2010 convention date clarification

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#1 AussiePeter

  • NANFA Member

Posted 24 August 2010 - 03:42 PM

G'day folks

Just to clarify, the 2010 convention will be starting on Thursday morning. Essentially, we will be doing the same things on Thur and Fri, but if you are planning on only spending Friday there you will find it hard to have a decent chance to see most of the fish habitats in Ash Meadows. You will still get to see a lot, but not all of it. Plus, the morning is the best time typically to take pictures as the springs are usually calm and there is no wind, but you won't know where the best place is to spend the morning until you have seen it already. There will be some time Sunday morning to see more stuff in Ash Meadows, but the full day on Saturday will be spent in Death Valley National Park (i.e., you won't really have time to see anything in Ash Meadows that morning).

Anyway, just thought I should clarify that for folks.
