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second convention teaser article

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#1 AussiePeter

  • NANFA Member

Posted 25 August 2010 - 04:31 PM

G'day folks

I have added a new link to the second article relating to the 2010 convention and the fishes and habitats we'll be seeing during the second half of the convention. This is a preprint version from American Currents! Convention webpage is at http://www.nanfa.org...tion/2010.shtml

The direct link to the article is http://peter.unmack....vention2.ac.pdf

The early bird deadline is coming up, after September 10 the price goes up $10 (I'm actually quite looking forward to Sept 10, that's the day that Resident Evil 4 comes out!).


#2 Casper

  • NANFA Fellow

Posted 30 August 2010 - 05:35 PM

Resident Evil? Nice PDF of our upcoming activities and i enjoyed watching the Ash Meadows DVD the other night.

Ranger Bob, Betsy and i bought our air tickets today, finally! Ticket prices are creeping up. We will arrive Wednesday morning and get a chance to explore Las Vegas for a bit before heading north to the desert lands and oasis. Bright and early Thursday morning, Scott, Ed and i will be flipping pancakes. We plan on camping all 4 nights under the stars, area 51 mystery objects and alongside the gila monsters.

I will mail another 13 shirts in the morning. Will soon ship MRE's, camping gear and NANFA t-shirts, Dave's desert spring art and a banner for the convention attendies to sign.

Im looking forward to this. Afterwards we will stay one night in Vegas at Bally's before flying or driving slow back to Tennessee Thursday the 21st. Adventure awaits.

Casper Cox
Chattanooga, near the TN Divide on BlueFishRidge overlooking South Chickamauga Creek.