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Fungus defeated - thanks!

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#1 Guest_Jan_*

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Posted 23 September 2010 - 05:44 PM

I'm following up on the post about my fish fungus "issues". I'll be finishing treatment with the Marycyn and salt technique recommended by forum members.
It looks as though the fungus has at last been whipped. I did lose a number of fish, but thanks to advice on the forum I was able to get on the right track with
treatment. I'm especially pleased my Crescent Shiner recovered completely!

Thanks again everyone who responded.

- Jan

#2 Guest_gerald_*

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Posted 24 September 2010 - 09:58 AM

Jan - PLease explain in more detail what you did that worked (and whether the "fungus" appeared to be columnaris or something else), so others having similar issues can refer back to this thread for guidance.

#3 Guest_CATfishTONY_*

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Posted 24 September 2010 - 03:19 PM

Jan - PLease explain in more detail what you did that worked (and whether the "fungus" appeared to be columnaris or something else), so others having similar issues can refer back to this thread for guidance.

i am glad your fish are better!

MAY I also recommend keeping all content in the same original thread for faster and more organized searches.
just a thought.

here is the starter thread.

#4 Guest_Jan_*

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Posted 26 September 2010 - 07:47 PM

Jan - PLease explain in more detail what you did that worked (and whether the "fungus" appeared to be columnaris or something else), so others having similar issues can refer back to this thread for guidance.

Hi Gerald,

I feel that the " fungus" was most likely the columnaris, based on descriptions on the websites provided by those who responded my "plea" for help. There might also have been ich. Although the ich medications I used did help for that, the columnaris continued to rampage. Quarantining wouldn't be feasible, as too many fish had the illness. I followed these directions from the forum pretty closely:

in your 55g tank vac the gravel and clean your filters out then do a 35% water change the first week and add salt.
second week do a 25% water change add salt, vac the gravel every other week.
keep your tank clean and the fish free of stress and this trouble should stop. " -

and, I used the Marycyn medication, which was another forum recommendation, which I think was the main effective component of the treatment. There is also a Marycyn 2, but I used the medication just labled "Marycyn" which does list
columnaris as one of the targeted illnesses. It's quite expensive, but WORTH IT.

I'm still doing the water changes and vacuuming, but it appears to have been effective.
As I said, if I had not got good advice here on the forum, I think my collection in the 55 might have been wiped out - including most of the super fish I got in NC with you guys.

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