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Volunteer Opportunity

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#1 Guest_Casper_*

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Posted 05 October 2010 - 03:48 PM

I got this email today from the South Chickamauga Creek Greenway Alliance... but the activity will occur the day before my NANFA 2010 Nevada departure and likely i will be pressed for time. Still, im gonna try and do it if at all possible, should be fun and interesting. Im very curious about the relocation / rescue in regards to the new TWRA regulations but seems to have their approval. We are probably just moving them downstream, bypassing the area. I might would make for an interesting AC article.

Standin' in the muck... Rescuin' fishes

SCCGA Friends,

You may have seen or heard about Tami Freedman leading the charge to save aquatic wildlife as a tributary to Friars Branch and South Chickamauga Creek is being redirected. Tami has intervened to ask the agencies involved to allow volunteers time to catch animals that will be destroyed if not rescued and then release them to a safe place. Now volunteers are needed on October 12. Read Tami's note below for more information. This can be both fun, a learning experience, and most valuable for the watershed. We, catfish, crayfish and other critters owe a big thank you to Tami for keeping this issue on the front burner and following through to get results.


Tami's note:
TO SAVE WILDLIFE on old creeks that are being filled in
after these new creeks are created.

DATE/TIME: Tuesday October 12, 11am - 6pm (may have shifts)
LOCATION: Hickory Valley Rd., Construction entrance,
just up from Hickory Creek Townhomes, 37421

Just heard from TN Stream Mitigation Project (TSM) that they've got
approvals from City, TDEC, TWRA, and Construction Co. to have up to
12 VOLS at Fryar Creek (not Mackey) and unnamed tributary to catch
and move whatever wildlife we're able to catch to new creek.

TSM / Rob Bailey says they'll provide: Safety Equipment including
Nets, Gloves, Buckets, Seine Nets, etc. They'll also have 6 "pros"
from UTC, TSM, TWRA, etc. So 1 Pro to 2 Vols.

NEED 12 VOLS (maximum). We'll provide own Boots, and whatever else
clothing-wise we need for warmth/safety. We also have to sign Waiver
Releases that says we don't hold City/Construction Co., etc liable.

Appreciate Volunteers. Appreciate Coordinators.
Appreciate Forwarding to others!

Thanks again and Blessings,


Edited by Casper, 05 October 2010 - 04:34 PM.

#2 Guest_EricaWieser_*

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Posted 05 October 2010 - 07:08 PM

I didn't know that there was such a thing as fish relocation. That warms my heart. :D

#3 Guest_davidjh2_*

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Posted 06 October 2010 - 09:54 AM

That would be something I'd love to do but a trip to Tennessee is not possible at this time.

#4 Guest_Casper_*

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Posted 22 October 2010 - 04:04 PM

They had a little news blip while i was gone.
Another "rescue" was yesterday, and i will get a report later during a lunch meeting on the 27th. I may be able to share species, photos and such later.


One of the interviewed is Mark Schorr, a UTC university biologist i particpated with in an urban stream survey several years ago. A great way to learn about our native fishes is to volunteer on such activites. Its also a great way to meet officials, agents and friends to help in your future activities.


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