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Mystery fish

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#1 Guest_NCNativeFish_*

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Posted 01 November 2010 - 07:55 PM

So, this fish has be confused. Its fin placement and coloring are similar to some kind of Nocomis, but (and I don't know how well this shows up in the pictures) its scales are so fine that they ALMOST look like catfish skin. Obviously it isn't a catfish, but I can't pinpoint any one species based on what I can see. Any ideas?

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#2 Guest_UncleWillie_*

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Posted 01 November 2010 - 07:57 PM

Blacknose dace. Excellent fish to keep in aquaria if you like 'dull' fish. They were some of my first natives that I cared for in aquaria. Just keep tight-fitting lids - they are jumpers!

Edited by UncleWillie, 01 November 2010 - 07:58 PM.

#3 Guest_NCNativeFish_*

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Posted 01 November 2010 - 08:03 PM

Well dang. Thats exactly what it is. Problem solved. Thanks!

#4 Guest_itsme_*

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Posted 01 November 2010 - 08:07 PM

I'm not convinced. Mouth too large. Body too short. Head too large. Well, maybe an odd population.

Edited by itsme, 01 November 2010 - 08:12 PM.

#5 Guest_jblaylock_*

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Posted 01 November 2010 - 08:11 PM

I have to go Blacknose Dace also. I have one of the 'longnose' Blacknose dace from the Upper Cumberland, and this looks similar. They might be 'dull' looking but I really enjoy them, but I agree they are jumpers.

If it's a hybrid, is a Blacknose/White Sucker possible or can that not happen?

#6 Guest_NCNativeFish_*

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Posted 01 November 2010 - 08:13 PM

I'm not convinced. Mouth too large. Body too short. Head too large. Hybrid.

Conveniently enough, you don't have to be convinced. I checked it with every picture I could find online and everything looks fine. Not every fish is always going to look exactly like books say they're supposed to.

#7 Guest_fishyz_*

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Posted 01 November 2010 - 08:45 PM

I have to go Blacknose Dace also. I have one of the 'longnose' Blacknose dace from the Upper Cumberland, and this looks similar. They might be 'dull' looking but I really enjoy them, but I agree they are jumpers.

If it's a hybrid, is a Blacknose/White Sucker possible or can that not happen?

I don't think a hybrid between those two species is possible.

#8 Guest_jblaylock_*

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Posted 02 November 2010 - 06:48 AM

I don't think a hybrid between those two species is possible.

Yeah, I wasn't sure. The fish kinda has a body like a juvenile creek chub.

#9 Guest_andyavram_*

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Posted 02 November 2010 - 11:58 AM

Blacknose dace. Excellent fish to keep in aquaria if you like 'dull' fish. They were some of my first natives that I cared for in aquaria. Just keep tight-fitting lids - they are jumpers!


Maybe not the most colorful fish out there, but far from a dull fish.

Follow the link to see mine and another bright one.


That is how adults in a comfortable tank look most of the time.


#10 Guest_UncleWillie_*

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Posted 02 November 2010 - 03:06 PM

That's a nice looking fish. I haven't seen that dark color on them, but have caught several with a broad orange stripe from nose to tail. I said 'dull' because I remember when friends or roommates saw my first native setup, and saw these fish and said that they were dull. I never got coloration like yours in aquaria, but my largest 2 males tended to keep a coopery-orange strip just under their dark stripe when in prime condition.
The certainly act the opposite of dull in a tank. Always active, always searching the tank, squabbling over the best position in front of powerheads, and very fast eaters! I love 'em.

#11 Guest_bumpylemon_*

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Posted 02 November 2010 - 06:57 PM

lol surprised mods didn't delete this thread with the rules saying "ID requests from home aquaria will not be accepted and topics will be removed."

#12 Guest_jblaylock_*

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Posted 02 November 2010 - 07:33 PM

Man, I wish my BND was that black all the time. I forgot about those pics, awesome BND

#13 Guest_Uland_*

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Posted 04 November 2010 - 07:16 AM

lol surprised mods didn't delete this thread with the rules saying "ID requests from home aquaria will not be accepted and topics will be removed."

Oops. Yeah Justin, I missed this one but for future reference, ID's from home aquarium are a disaster waiting to happen and we've asked that members not post such topics.
As many of you already know, we're strong believers in making the proper ID in the field to avoid taking sensitive fish home. Obviously if you're asking about ID from home, you may very well have a sensitive fish already.
I know this style of moderation is not well received by many new members but we hope in time, regulars on the forum will understand.
Sorry in advance for any dislodged scales over our forum policies.

#14 Guest_itsme_*

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Posted 04 November 2010 - 02:31 PM

Go outside and hold the fish in your hand or in a plastic box to take the picture. Yes, I am a subversive. :biggrin:

But do learn what's in your area so it's not such a mystery when you go out. There are hundreds of books and on-line resources for this.

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