Editor(s) needed for American Currents
Guest_Irate Mormon_*
Posted 30 November 2010 - 10:18 PM
At this point a lot of things are open for discussion. It is possible that more than one editor can take over the task. The idea has been floated that one person can do layout, another writing for Riffles, maybe another soliciting and editing articles - this is the way some big clubs do it and it sure would be easier than devoting 60-100 hours per issue by one person. Anyway, that is just an idea.
What we (the Board of Directors) need to know is who would be interested in the job and what help you think you may need. Please keep in mind that while it may seem like a fun and glamorous job I assure you it is not. It is a lot like work, and it will have to be its own reward. You won't get fame or fortune. But American Currents is the lifeblood of NANFA, and if that is important to you, then maybe you have found your purpose...
Please post your thoughts and intentions here.
Posted 30 November 2010 - 10:25 PM
Posted 01 December 2010 - 08:31 AM
That having been said, I do prefer hard-copy newsletters.
Guest_Irate Mormon_*
Posted 01 December 2010 - 06:06 PM
The question of paying the editor a modest stipend has been floated in the past and is being debated again right now. NANFA can find the money to do this, whether from a bump in annual dues (which is long overdue - our last dues increase was 10 years ago), or other fund raising efforts. Financially we are in good shape thanks to Tom Watson (Treasurer) and the good decisions of convention organizers and previous board members.
What we need is what everybody has the least to give: TIME!
For those of you who are interested, all of this is being discussed on the BOD email list, which any member can subscribe to. I STRONGLY encourage interested members to not only subscribe but also speak your mind. As I said in an earlier post, I would LOVE to see more members get active in club business. The ones who have opinions and ideas are the ones who will be involved in club leadership in the years to come. You don't have to be on the Board of Directors to be a leader either - you just need to get INVOLVED.
Posted 01 December 2010 - 07:23 PM
Brian did a great job in his stint as editor. I look forward to working with his successor.
Posted 01 December 2010 - 08:44 PM
Will NANFA provide software?
to edit text, layout art and impose for a sig to go dtp then saddle stitched.
i just looked at one of my older ac copy. it has a standard cmyk 4/c cover color plus 4/c insert
in a 36 k only page perfected sig.
to do this it takes a lot of software plus a strong putter and a rip to make fpo's for layout file.
Edited by CATfishTONY, 01 December 2010 - 08:46 PM.
Posted 01 December 2010 - 09:54 PM
Will NANFA provide software?
Tony, I didn't really understand the rest of your post, but I do know that NANFA has provided software for the editor in the past. It is understood that AC production does take specific software and we have provided adequate licenses/copies for such software.
Posted 02 December 2010 - 09:27 AM
Posted 02 December 2010 - 10:18 AM
For example, I can help out and do general editing of articles.
Perhaps Brian (and Chris, if he's willing) could make up a list of all the different tasks that are done to put out one issue? I honestly don't know what they are. Probably many more things than I can imagine.
Obviously we always need articles. That isn't the issue right now so much as who will do the regular mudane tasks, as well as take charge of the regular items like Riffles. (Of course, don't let that stop you from submitting articles!!!)
Sort of like an elementary school party... who's going to bring the cupcakes?
Posted 02 December 2010 - 06:56 PM
I think
American Currents needs teamwork to grow and to move forwardin a timely manner.
a new view and scope of the task at hand.
Please visualize this in your mind, a wagon wheel.
This form works because all of its parts work as a team.
You have a center hub the spokes and rim.
The rim binding its spokes together as one unit,
spokes doing their work to keep it all rolling
and a hub holding all the parts as one unit.
You have a well-built team working together as a whole.
In my opinion, we do not need an editor we need a team/group.
You can call it what ever you wish.
I feel that this is what needs to be done if you want to put out a nicemagazine for the members to read.
I am Tony Branham and I support this statement LOL.
i could help and have skills in such things but i am dyslexic.
but after talking to a friend tonight i will share this and voice my point of view now
the note you read above was edited i am much better in areas of art and design and page layout.
these skills are solid but i can not work alone and i think AC needs TEAM TO GROW.
here is the uncut version of my view on such maters as you can see art is my strong hold.
I think
American Currents needs teamwork to grow and to move forward in a timelymanner. a new view and scope of the task at hand.
Please visualize this in your mind, a wagon wheel. This form worksbecause all of its parts work as a team. You have a center hub the spokes andrim. The rim binding its spokes together as one unit, spokes doing their workto keep it all rolling and a hub holding all the parts as one unit.
You have a well-built team working together as a whole. In my opinion,we do not need an editor we need a team/group.
You can call it what ever you wish. I feel that this is what needs to bedone if you want to put out a nice magazine for the members to read. I am TonyBranham and I support this statement LOL.
i could help and have skills in such things but i am dyslexic.
but after talking to a friend tonight i will share this and voice mypoint of view now
the note you read above was edited i am much better in areas of art and design and page layout.
these skills are solid but i can not work alone and i think AC needs TEAM TO GROW.
here is the uncut version of my view on such maters as you can see artis my strong hold.
all members and from here on i think dues should go up.
i vote for 35.50$
<br style="mso-special-character:line-break"><br style="mso-special-character:line-break">
Posted 02 December 2010 - 08:16 PM
It might be easier to decide whether or not to split the responsibilities up if people were to step up and volunteer for certain tasks right now even. That way the BOD would know whether there are enough people interested to make this work.
For example, I can help out and do general editing of articles.
Perhaps Brian (and Chris, if he's willing) could make up a list of all the different tasks that are done to put out one issue? I honestly don't know what they are. Probably many more things than I can imagine.
Obviously we always need articles. That isn't the issue right now so much as who will do the regular mudane tasks, as well as take charge of the regular items like Riffles. (Of course, don't let that stop you from submitting articles!!!)
Sort of like an elementary school party... who's going to bring the cupcakes?
I sent this question to the BoD and got this response from former AC editor Chris Scharpf:
- Solicit articles.
- Edit articles.
- In some cases, rewrite articles.
- Collect and write Riffles fodder from publications, news stories, etc.
- Keep fingers on pulse of NANFA and write appropriate NANFA News items.
- Typeset everything.
- Collect and prepare artwork.
- Make words and artwork fit nicely on page,
- Make sure page and volume numbers are correct.
- Proofread.
- Make corrections.
- Squeeze in last minute stuff.
- Send to printer.
- Review proofs and make corrections, if necessary.
- Being work on next issue right away.
Posted 02 December 2010 - 08:56 PM
I'd say lots more but I'm stretched for time.
Tony, I think Brian has been editing with GIMP of all things. Perhaps he can shed some light of his software/technique and I'd love to learn some GIMP tips in this department.
Posted 04 December 2010 - 06:47 PM
I'd be terrified to volunteer to do the whole thing, but I'd LOVE to work as part of a team. I think I'd be good at:
- Edit articles.
- In some cases, rewrite articles.
- Collect and write Riffles fodder from publications, news stories, etc.
- Make words and artwork fit nicely on page,
- Make sure page and volume numbers are correct.
- Proofread.
- Make corrections.
- Squeeze in last minute stuff.
- Send to printer.
- Review proofs and make corrections, if necessary.
- Being work on next issue right away.
Edited by schambers, 04 December 2010 - 06:47 PM.
Posted 04 December 2010 - 07:26 PM
Team work as i see it is the way to go.I think it's a great idea to divide up the tasks. That way any one person having to quit doesn't throw the whole into chaos. I think it would help to have at least a couple of people who can do any one task.
I'd be terrified to volunteer to do the whole thing, but I'd LOVE to work as part of a team. I think I'd be good at:
- Edit articles.
- In some cases, rewrite articles.
- Collect and write Riffles fodder from publications, news stories, etc.
- Make words and artwork fit nicely on page,
- Make sure page and volume numbers are correct.
- Proofread.
- Make corrections.
- Squeeze in last minute stuff.
- Send to printer.
- Review proofs and make corrections, if necessary.
- Being work on next issue right away.
has AC every been a team ?
or has one person saw it from start to printed press proofs then bindery.
i do not have the time for this kinda work flow.
who is or printer
do we work with there prepress,
do they make fpo's for or layout file to impose
do they need reader spreads or printer spreads.
editing a ct file in gimp is ok but it takes a lot more software then a free copy of gimp
a adobe suite would be nice.
were do we send our first run prepress files for a printed hard copy to review.
the text bellow was sent from our editor in the past as a example of of a work flow
and i would say he was in a rush there is some ten other jobs in the work flow before you go to press.
and there is no wonder all editors have QUIT in the past .
- Solicit articles.
- Edit articles.
- In some cases, rewrite articles.
- Collect and write Riffles fodder from publications, news stories, etc.
- Keep fingers on pulse of NANFA and write appropriate NANFA News items.
- Typeset everything.
- Collect and prepare artwork.
- Make words and artwork fit nicely on page,
- Make sure page and volume numbers are correct.
- Proofread.
- Make corrections.
- Squeeze in last minute stuff.
- Send to printer.
- Review proofs and make corrections, if necessary.
- Being work on next issue right away.
Posted 05 December 2010 - 09:26 PM
Also I am agenst a huge increase in dues (some one said: i vote for 35.50$)this is over a 75% increase in dues.
If there has to be an increase in dues, there needs to be a good reason, & at a resonable increase in this ecomeny.
I like being a member of this organization, but I have limited funds at this time.
PS - I would help but I am dislexic too, and a horible speller. Also not very good with computers.
Edited by Mike, 05 December 2010 - 09:29 PM.
Posted 06 December 2010 - 10:32 PM
Please also keep in mind that a modest $5.00 increase would still be below the rate of inflation! So an increase below the rate of inflation 10 years overdue isn't so bad is it?
Posted 06 December 2010 - 10:48 PM
A dues increase isn't being suggested just because it's been 10 years. As AC grew, so did it's publication cost not to mention the price of a stamp. NANFA needs the cash flow to continue grants, AC and provide a strong future for the organization.
It's free to publish electronically. People can print it if they want a hard copy.
Posted 07 December 2010 - 02:53 AM
A dues increase isn't being suggested just because it's been 10 years. As AC grew, so did it's publication cost not to mention the price of a stamp. NANFA needs the cash flow to continue grants, AC and provide a strong future for the organization.
Please also keep in mind that a modest $5.00 increase would still be below the rate of inflation! So an increase below the rate of inflation 10 years overdue isn't so bad is it?
The only increase amount($35.50)I saw before yours was a $15.50 increase from $20.00. That is above inflation. I am not totaly agenst a increase if it is NEEDED, but a lot of times other ways can be better. (I did not mean for this to change the topic, but I had to respond to a over 75% increase. See the fund raiseing thread.)
Also, inflation did go up, but so did unemployment, health insurance is skyrocketing as is the price of gas. Many people have not got raises according to inflation and in fact have taken cuts in sallery. All I'm trying to say is lets not price NANFA out of peoples budgets. We need more members inorder for politicions to take notice, and care what we are all about.
Posted 07 December 2010 - 08:18 AM
Lastly, anyone can make a donation via Pay Pal to NANFA whenever they want and it is tax deductible. It's the end of the calendar year...think about lowering that tax burden of yours.
Posted 07 December 2010 - 10:29 AM
After bailing us out of a mess and four strong issues of American Currents, Brian Torreano has decided to step down as editor of American Currents. Brian's time is now being taken up with gainful employment and we wish him the best and thank him for his hard work and dedication to the organization. He, along with Fritz Rohde's assistance, will be putting out one final issue due out to the membership in late January or early February.
With this being said, we find ourselves, once again, editor-less. The board of directors would like to call out to the membership to ask for volunteers. We are looking for anyone interested in the writing, editing, and, especially, layout of the journal. If you find yourself with time to spare or special talents to share, please let us know. We hope to assemble a team in order to lessen the load on any one individual. We hope to have an Editor-in-Chief (Coordinator) and a specific Layout editor, as well as a team of writers, contributors and editors, depending on who volunteers. You can contact any board member directly or post your intentions to the BOD list, nanfa-bod@nanfa.org. We look forward to getting a fresh start with fresh faces and see this as a way for the membership to come together in order to continue to put forth our top rate publication, American Currents.
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