My nephews are getting to be a fun age, my sister has commissioned me to get them outside because both she and my brother-in-law don't like what the outdoors has to offer. Which is sad to a fishhead like me, because their home watershed is Big Darby Creek, crown jewel of Ohio. But then again, gives me a good excuse to sneak off with the boys at dreaded family obligations and head over to the creek in the name of education!

This year I got my oldest nephew his first copy of the Pond Life Little Golden Book, an ice cube tray for sorting macroinverts and a 2.5 gallon tank for observing fishes streamside. But yeah, I just said I got a 5 year old a book, an empty tank and an ice cube tray in the middle of the northern winter, so I figured I needed to go an extra step. And here's what I came up with:

I realized I have a crap ton of photos that would make really neat magnets with the desk jet magnet "paper". So I took a couple underwater scenes I took in MO this spring (thank you Big Creek) and then put together a plate of critters and titles for my nephew to play with on the fridge or whatever. I think it worked out well, I'd like to get other's feedback and field test on these, if people are into it. Here's some more photos:

Up close...

And here's a pdf:
It would be interesting to hear how this version prints out on heavy stock paper, I'm curious about the image quality on various printers with this level of compression. I can make a pdf with the source image files, but I'd like to see how little we can get away with it.
One thing I've already run into is that the magnets have a tendency to fold back on themselves, and he was a little young to understand that they weren't stickers and that they needed to be GENTLY folded forward and then placed. I don't know if making the critters larger would solve this or not.
The fridge worked well. My sister is worried about her younger son destroying it and came up with the idea to get a small white board to place them on. If people have different ways to display it handy, boy, I'd be real glad to hear about if it works out with various media.

I see this as something we can put together with NANFA's label stamped on it at some point. If some of you other photographers are interested in participating, please let me know(and special thanks to Lance Merry for the bluebreast and tippecanoe images!)
Edited by farmertodd, 26 December 2010 - 10:32 PM.