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Native Paludarium?

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#1 Guest_Yeahson421_*

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Posted 31 December 2010 - 02:36 PM

How come I haven't seen any paludariums holding native fish? I feel it would make for a much better display and possibly make any wild caught fish feel more at home.

#2 Guest_EricaWieser_*

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Posted 31 December 2010 - 04:53 PM

I also haven't seen any US native ecosystem paludariums, which is sad. The only collection of paludariums I know if is the AGA's, which is available at http://showcase.aqua...tegory=3&vol=-1 but they aren't necessarily biotopes.
The biotope entry section only occasionally sees native biotype paludarium entries, for example http://showcase.aqua...=1&vol=-1&id=93

It'd be nice to see any paludariums that NANFA members have. :)

#3 Guest_jblaylock_*

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Posted 31 December 2010 - 05:11 PM

I have wanted to do one of these for a couple years now. I think a few darters/madtoms w/ some salamanders/newts/crayfish would be awesome.

I love this design.

The water, fish, plants...everything is great.

#4 Guest_scott361_*

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Posted 31 December 2010 - 07:49 PM

I haven't posted much for quite a while, but I've talked a lot about mine in the past.
(Life got chaotic!)
I included construction details, thoughts and credit to those that I borrowed ideas from.
Not all of the plants are native, but many were.

Do a couple of searches through various archives!
It's neglected, but still up and going after eight plus years.

The link is wayyyy different than it used to look!
I hope that it comes through ok and isn't a problem!

There are other sets of photos from it here, but you have to dig through to find 'em.


#5 Guest_EricaWieser_*

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Posted 31 December 2010 - 10:22 PM

I have wanted to do one of these for a couple years now. I think a few darters/madtoms w/ some salamanders/newts/crayfish would be awesome.

I love this design.

The water, fish, plants...everything is great.

That's an awesome page! I love the shelves for plants on http://dramaticaquas...com/AS0007.html

And Scott, O_O that is a gorgeous tank!

*has too many exclamation marks but is unwilling to remove any of them*

Edited by EricaWieser, 31 December 2010 - 10:25 PM.

#6 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
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  • North Georgia, Oconee River Drainage

Posted 01 January 2011 - 11:59 AM

Very nice work Scott.

Are those Pteronotropis shiners mixed in with Enneacanthus sunfish? I like the Pteronotropis, they are smaller and enjoy the calm water (perfect for aquariums) and the same is true for Enneacanthus, but I have been afraid to mix them... Looks like you really went with the community tank approach (which I am a big proponent of anyway)... how did that work out? I know everyone always tells about the three weeks they worked setting up a new tank, but I would love to hear some of the things you learned by neglecting one for eight years (I am also a big proponent of aquarium neglect... I really think sometimes we mess with stuff too much). Tell us what you learned from this tank.
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

#7 Guest_Yeahson421_*

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Posted 01 January 2011 - 06:07 PM

Wow! Thanks for all of the quick replies! Scott, that tank is stunning! I actually plan on having a 2-3 inch airspace on my 20 long that will be housing 1-3 young bowfin. I will be using the full 20 gallons but I will be adding an eggcrate topper to create the airspace.

#8 Guest_exasperatus2002_*

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Posted 03 January 2011 - 10:38 AM

great subject. The only native ones I've seen in public is with trout.

#9 Guest_Newt_*

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Posted 03 January 2011 - 08:56 PM

I have a native paludarium set up in a 120 gallon quarter-round tank. I'd show some pics but it's not looking great right now- I replanted it recently and most of the plants have not filled in yet.


Pirate perch, black-spotted topminnows, lesser sirens, ghost shrimp, ramshorn and physid snails. I'd like to add some more slackwater-loving minnows, darters, and killies. The sirens are too near-sighted and clumsy to threaten the fish, and the pirate perch much prefers worms and shrimp to fish.


Alisma subcordata
Eleocharis ovata or obtusa
Eleocharis quadrangulata
Juncus repens
Ludwigia palustris
Peltandra virginica
Proserpinaca palustris
Proserpinaca pectinata or intermedia
Sagittaria brevirostra
Sagittaria calycina
Sagittaria latifolia
Saururus cernuus

I intend to collect several more species for this tank come spring.

#10 Guest_Yeahson421_*

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Posted 04 January 2011 - 08:11 PM

I have a native paludarium set up in a 120 gallon quarter-round tank. I'd show some pics but it's not looking great right now- I replanted it recently and most of the plants have not filled in yet.


Pirate perch, black-spotted topminnows, lesser sirens, ghost shrimp, ramshorn and physid snails. I'd like to add some more slackwater-loving minnows, darters, and killies. The sirens are too near-sighted and clumsy to threaten the fish, and the pirate perch much prefers worms and shrimp to fish.


Alisma subcordata
Eleocharis ovata or obtusa
Eleocharis quadrangulata
Juncus repens
Ludwigia palustris
Peltandra virginica
Proserpinaca palustris
Proserpinaca pectinata or intermedia
Sagittaria brevirostra
Sagittaria calycina
Sagittaria latifolia
Saururus cernuus

I intend to collect several more species for this tank come spring.

Sounds interesting. Is it possible for you to post any pics?

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