The American Fisheries Society is pleased to announce the re-printing of "Freshwater Fishes of Virginia" (Jenkins and Burkhead). The book, first published in 1994, has been out of print for several years.
* 210 species and 20 subspecies divided among 24 families * native and introduced species * common formats with systematics, description, comparison, biology, habitat and distribution * 1,080 pages * hardcover * 83 figures * 192 distribution maps * 322 black and white photographs * 159 color photographs * extensive index (25 pages), glossary (17 pages), and bibliography (96 pages).
List price is $110.00; AFS member price $77.00 (same price as first printing).
Direct link for ordering the book:

Fishes of VA Re-released
Started by
, Jan 30 2007 02:44 PM
8 replies to this topic
Posted 30 January 2007 - 02:44 PM
Posted 30 January 2007 - 02:55 PM
I would like to add that the reprinting of this great book is in no small part due to our own drewish. Thanks a ton for your effort on this.
Posted 30 January 2007 - 03:28 PM
Are you kidding!!!!!!!!!!!WOW that is great. I heard a few months ago that AFS destroyed the prints and type face becuase they were so displeased with how it sold and copies on the internet were gonig for hundres up to a thousand dollars. WOW~~

Posted 30 January 2007 - 03:42 PM
And again I go dropping another hundred some odd dollars on books again.
However I am an AFS member so not that bad
However I am an AFS member so not that bad

Posted 30 January 2007 - 03:45 PM
I'm not currently, I forgot to include the check with the renewal. Then NABS nailed me for 35 bucks because its 200 fricking dollars to be a student non meber (300 if your not) to present at their conference. So the membership would with my discount would bring me right back up to the nonmeber price. How funny. And I've gotta wait 4 weeks until my SDAFS registration is reimbursed.
Posted 30 January 2007 - 03:47 PM
AFS got enough interest to warrant a reprint. Thanks to all that have asked AFS to do this. And thanks to AFS.
This book is worth every penny. I don't have to drive to the library anymore to read it.
This book is worth every penny. I don't have to drive to the library anymore to read it.
Posted 30 January 2007 - 03:53 PM
I'm sure the $150-800 used copies generated some interest in funds they are missing out on too. Finally I might be able to stop buying books! Either way I'm glad its back. The library here was about to have a copy dissappear and the lost book fine payed.
Posted 30 January 2007 - 05:09 PM
Holy moly! Sounds like a good book to have, but $77 is pretty steep when you're on a tight budget, not to mention $110. How much is it to join AFS? Anybody willing to buy me one for $77 if given the $$$?
Posted 05 February 2007 - 12:52 PM
Thanks AFS!
You got my $110.00 without much hesitation.
You got my $110.00 without much hesitation.
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