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Sticklebacks and Odessa Barbs

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#1 Guest_NVCichlids_*

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Posted 08 April 2011 - 01:49 PM

My friend sent me an email last night and he was wondering how compatible sticklebacks would be with odessa barbs. He has a 65 gallon tank that is FULL of vals, micro swords and hornwort like plant (never was able to ID it.) which is full of about 20 odessa barbs right now. This tank is his "wife's" tank, so he doesn't want to add a fish that will be terrorized, nor does he want to add a fish that will terrorize her beloved barbs.

I haven't given a response, because I don't have any experience with either species yet. I do have plans to add odessas in the future to one of my many 33 gallon XL set ups and possible a type of stickleback at somepoint.


#2 Guest_Drew_*

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Posted 08 April 2011 - 02:54 PM

This tank is his "wife's" tank, so he doesn't want to add a fish that will be terrorized, nor does he want to add a fish that will terrorize her beloved barbs.

Sticklebacks are known to be terrorizers so I would advise him not to mess with them.

#3 Guest_NVCichlids_*

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Posted 08 April 2011 - 03:09 PM

thank you drew. He knew I love natives and that is why he asked. I am happy I am able to give him the correct advice ( was going to say " how mean could it be?"()

#4 Guest_panfisherteen_*

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Posted 08 April 2011 - 10:36 PM

i'll add my two cents, my dad had a pair in the 46gal bowfront tank at home, when the female died, the male decided to get super aggressive and pick on the fish that looked anything remotely like it (even killed one due to bullying). They can be quite the rough customers themselves.

#5 Guest_Irate Mormon_*

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
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Posted 08 April 2011 - 11:15 PM

Sticklebacks will "stab" other fishes with the spikes on their backs. I once lost a whole school of Rasbora that way - I found the sticklebacks swimming around with the Rasboras still impaled on their back spikes.

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