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#1 Guest_bdoubles_*

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Posted 02 May 2011 - 05:02 PM

I have been trapping and releasing black nose daces, green sunfish and crawfish like crazy during my breaks at work. I have seen 3 of these guys which are much bigger than the daces but in many ways look similar. My guess is a small chub. Please let me know if i am close or way off.

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#2 Guest_CATfishTONY_*

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Posted 02 May 2011 - 07:26 PM

I have been trapping and releasing black nose daces, green sunfish and crawfish like crazy during my breaks at work. I have seen 3 of these guys which are much bigger than the daces but in many ways look similar. My guess is a small chub. Please let me know if i am close or way off.

I think it is this fish.http://gallery.nanfa...G_7471.JPG.html
or Semotilus atromaculatus.
but this is just a guess.

save this link it can hep id fishes.

Edited by CATfishTONY, 02 May 2011 - 07:38 PM.

#3 Guest_Dustin_*

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Posted 03 May 2011 - 08:03 AM

I agree with Tony. That's a creek chub. Be careful keeping those in tanks with smaller fish as they will certainly eat them. Also keep in mind that creek chubs get rather large.

#4 Guest_exasperatus2002_*

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Posted 03 May 2011 - 10:23 AM

I agree with Tony. That's a creek chub. Be careful keeping those in tanks with smaller fish as they will certainly eat them. Also keep in mind that creek chubs get rather large.

I concur.

#5 Guest_dmarkley_*

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Posted 03 May 2011 - 01:10 PM

I agree with Tony. That's a creek chub. Be careful keeping those in tanks with smaller fish as they will certainly eat them. Also keep in mind that creek chubs get rather large.

Dustin is correct. I added one of these to my tank 2 years ago. He managed to eat daces and shiners half his size and actually chocked to death on them. That chub acted like a top shelf predator!

#6 Guest_CATfishTONY_*

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Posted 03 May 2011 - 01:21 PM

Dustin is correct. I added one of these to my tank 2 years ago. He managed to eat daces and shiners half his size and actually chocked to death on them. That chub acted like a top shelf predator!

i had the same final outcome from this fish as well.
they are eating machines.mine got to 6.375" and ate darters like they were a popcorn snack.

#7 Guest_bdoubles_*

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Posted 03 May 2011 - 04:41 PM

fantastic thanks, I am getting better at IDing native fish around my way. What are your thoughts about raising them with green and pumkinseed sunfish? They both grow fairly large and have plenty of aggression.

#8 Guest_CATfishTONY_*

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Posted 03 May 2011 - 07:18 PM

fantastic thanks, I am getting better at IDing native fish around my way. What are your thoughts about raising them with green and pumkinseed sunfish? They both grow fairly large and have plenty of aggression.

the creek chubs i had were ok with sunfish and large striped shinners but cleaning the tank every week got old they eat so much
and the gravel needed to be vacumed ever week.

#9 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
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Posted 03 May 2011 - 09:07 PM

fantastic thanks, I am getting better at IDing native fish around my way. What are your thoughts about raising them with green and pumkinseed sunfish? They both grow fairly large and have plenty of aggression.

They do fine with bigger fish and once they get up over about 5 or 6 inches they develop a pretty nice gold spangled coloration... I kept a few with a brown bullhead... they occupied the midwater and the big cat the bottom... it worked very nicely as a tank and looked very good... they (and the bullhead) eat everything so it was an easy tank to feed and just needed a good filter...

But other than this one time I have never kept them since they do eat almost all tank mates.
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