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Most colorful fish trapped so far

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#1 Guest_bdoubles_*

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Posted 07 May 2011 - 06:09 PM

this was by far the most attractive fish i have caught in a minnow trap. Also the most unhappy to be out of the water, this guy would not hold still and it shows in the picture plus i was staning on a fallen tree over the water. I was looking at pictures and just cant make up my mind. The body was much rougher than the BND, chubs and green sunfish i catch by the handfull. Belly bright red and back has a textured green color to it.

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#2 Guest_ashtonmj_*

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Posted 07 May 2011 - 07:58 PM

It is a roseyside dace. You should Google up the free fish key put out by the state to help learn those ID's. Also Maryland has search several different interactive websites that show the condition of streams near by you as well as what kinds of fish were collected there during biological monitoring.

#3 Guest_bdoubles_*

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Posted 07 May 2011 - 08:29 PM

It is a roseyside dace. You should Google up the free fish key put out by the state to help learn those ID's. Also Maryland has search several different interactive websites that show the condition of streams near by you as well as what kinds of fish were collected there during biological monitoring.

The pictures of roseyside dace i have found on google and Marylands websites show a much more pointy mouth then the rounder mouth on the fish i caught. The pearl dace and redbellied dace look similar but the roseyside seems the most plausable. Thanks for your help

ps. I will definitly find thoes websites monitoring fish species

Edited by bdoubles, 07 May 2011 - 08:32 PM.

#4 Guest_ashtonmj_*

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Posted 08 May 2011 - 06:10 AM

It's definately a roseyside dace. Pearl dace are not found in the Patapsco Basin and there are no redbelled dace in Maryland. Trust me, I'm right (I maintain that key and am one of of the main biologists on those monitoring crews). What stream are you trapping in?

#5 Guest_bdoubles_*

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Posted 08 May 2011 - 10:49 AM

It's definately a roseyside dace. Pearl dace are not found in the Patapsco Basin and there are no redbelled dace in Maryland. Trust me, I'm right (I maintain that key and am one of of the main biologists on those monitoring crews). What stream are you trapping in?

I work at the Norris Dealership on rt 40 and the stream runs runder rt 40 near "Rogers Ave" and next to the dealership. The direction of flow has me saying that is comes from the patapsco and leads to an unknown place. I tie 2 traps up and check them morning, noon and night. I enjoy taking the break from work to hang out by the water for a while even though a good day yields catching and releasing 20 fish. A bad day might be only a couple.

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