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Morone Sp. - juvenile

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#1 Guest_looks2ce_*

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Posted 25 May 2011 - 08:43 PM

So I am fairly sure that this is Morone saxatalis. We catch a lot of Morone americana and this guy was distinctly not americana. I don't really know Morone chrysops, but looking at pictures of it, this little guy was definitely longer and sleeker than [chrysops[/i].

I don't have the greatest pictures as these were taken with my ipod touch.

Caught in the Anacostia River, just North of the confluence with the Potomac.

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#2 Guest_UncleWillie_*

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Posted 25 May 2011 - 08:55 PM

I agree with you. All characteristics you pointed out is what I noticed as well, and agree with Striper.

#3 Guest_pylodictis_*

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Posted 25 May 2011 - 09:29 PM

I've seen a lot of juvenile Morone saxatilis and that would surely be an odd fish. The first picture makes me question the ID, but I can't think of anything off hand it could be. I was thinking a hybrid but those have a deeper body and I don't believe they occur in that system. I'm thinking Morone chrysops but again, it looks too slim. I don't know chrysops either though. It would be reasonable to make the assumption that juvinile Morone saxatilis have fainter stripes but actually they look exactly like the adults. I've literally seen hundreds and they all look like this. I don't fish the Potomac, but isn't there a fall line? I know you can catch spawners above the falls in the James but I've never seen a fingerling like that an I would assume the same in the Potomac. I'm going with Morone chrysops.

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Edited by pylodictis, 25 May 2011 - 09:39 PM.

#4 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 09 July 2011 - 10:18 PM

Has to be saxatilis not chrysops, the vertical bars or par marks that show up when you are looking at them at the right angle (sort of from the top or dorsal view is when they show up best) are only on saxatilis and not chrysops. You can see these on the 2nd and 3rd photo. This also shows up on hybrids of the two, so I can't rule that out either.

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