I've run across a number of hybrid fishes during the last few months of surveying streams in Illinois (some of them are obvious hybrids, others...I'm not so sure). I'm starting to go through some of my pictures and I just thought I'd post a few of them here. I was thinking a few of these fishes could use an extra set of eyes in identification.
The first:
^ I called this fish a Lepomis macrochirus x Lepomis humilis in the field. I'm pretty confident in this one.
A strange one:
^ I'm not sure if this is just a color morph of a black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) or...if it could be a Pomoxis nigromaculatus x Lepomis sp....
Another one:
^ We encountered a number of Lepomis microlophus at this site, but this one looked quite a bit different from the others. I tentatively called it a Lepomis microlophus x Lepomis macrochirus. Thoughts on this one?
I have a number of other possible hybrids that I came across that I'll post here as I keep going through pictures.
Edited by NateTessler13, 08 September 2011 - 04:11 PM.