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River Clean Up and Outreach

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#21 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
  • Board of Directors
  • North Georgia, Oconee River Drainage

Posted 10 November 2012 - 10:35 PM

We were out again for the fall edition of the Rivers Alive trash pick up and fish display on the Apalachee River. Had four NANFAns out braving the cold morning (but hey, this is Georgia; it was 70 degrees by lunch time) and most of the trash-picker-uppers were high school students that we got to talk to for a short while, so that was pretty good.

In the water, the turtles were slow and easily seined and the fish were a little sluggish at first also. We did get a nice variety (nine species is pretty good for just 45 minutes of horsing around in the cold). Gambusia, Redbreast Sunfish, Snail Bullhead, Bluehead Chub, Yellowfin Shiner, Blackbanded Darter, and these guys... who were abundant and looked better than I expected for the fall... Turquoise Darter...
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and lots of these guys as well. A state endangered and endemic species, but very common at this location... the Altamaha Shiner
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and a few of these guys... fast becoming my second favorite fish... Jumprocks (I will leave to others to argue the striped or brassy nature of this particular individual) we had a small (3.5 inch... shown here) a medium (6 inch) and a large (about a foot). Nothin' like a good sucker.
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so we had fun, saw a state endangered fish, did a little outreach, and shared a nice morning together...
...see ya next time.
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Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

#22 Guest_IsaacSzabo_*

  • Guests

Posted 12 November 2012 - 05:08 PM

Nice work and photos Michael. That turquoise has decent color for this time of the year.

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