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Joe Tomelleri illustration silent auction at SFC

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#1 Guest_daveneely_*

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Posted 04 November 2011 - 07:55 AM

The Southeastern Fishes Council is a nonprofit scientific organization dedicated to the study and conservation of freshwater and coastal fishes of the southeastern United States. Many of our members are active in NANFA, and I suspect that a fundraiser for SFC that we are conducting at our annual meeting (in Chattanooga, TN this year) will be of general interest here.

We have six original Joe Tomelleri illustrations of fishes of the southeastern US that will be sold via silent auction (Bayou Darter, Olive Darter, Tangerine darter, Smoky Dace, Laurel Dace, and Florida Gar; see attached). These are spectacular illustrations in Prismacolor colored pencil and acrylic on illustration board. The starting bid on these is $100. If you are interested in participating, you might want to contact some of the NANFA members who will be attending and ask them to bid in proxy for you -- be sure to note your maximum bid!


Attached Images

  • SFC auction.jpg

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