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Prolonging Convention Joys

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#1 keepnatives

  • Regional Rep

Posted 18 February 2007 - 06:18 PM

I've thoroughly enjoyed all the conventions since SC and have found a fun way to prolong the experience into the winter. I collect a buch of really tiny fish (under 1/2 in) keep them in some opaque plastic tubs for a number of months. Then when the Cabin fever hits like it just did I move them to an aquarium so I can see what I've got. It's like I just returned to Mingo Swamp but no Water Moccasins. Looks like I've got a couple 1.25 inch Warmouths, a Bantam, and a few possible Longears or Dollars. I did the same thing with Darters at the Arkansas Convention those turned out to be some awesome Red fin darters now about 2.5-3 inches. I've got some shiners from Ohio on the return trip from last yrs convention to move into a tank if this weather keeps me out of the water any longer. They've grown nicely so I hope I'll be able to ID them. Had many tiny sunnies with them but they're down to about three which I think are Greens. I think they eliminated the others little by little, they got a fair number of the shiners as well but the remaining ones outgrew them. From now on I think I'll try to get photos as they develope to help IDing the little guys in the field.
Mike Lucas
Mohawk-Hudson Watershed
Schenectady NY