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Fairy Shrimp

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#1 Guest_Peeps_*

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Posted 15 April 2012 - 03:39 AM

Is it possible to raise (shrimp-eggs-dry eggs-add water-shrimp) fairy shrimp that were caught from a vernal pool? I've had no luck, but i haven't gone above and beyond either. The ones I've most cared for are dying, and the ones i just sometimes peek at are doing great.
(sorry for the lack of information)

What I've got
Kritter Keeper (small)- started with 100 and down to 5 right now. they mated and it's day 4. Not sure if they layed eggs but i'll be drying and re watering the cage. this is inside on my desk, and there's a light on often.
Planter box- This is really just for my salamander eggs but i got about 6 fairies in the pool water, they've grown from about 1/2 inch to an inch in the same 4 days that I've had my above ones. Not a single dead. This is also on my desk with the above ones.
Fairy Pool- a bird bath? had old nasty water with rotting leaves in it, but i dumped that and poured pool water in it and then added 7 fairies. It's on my porch where the sun hits it for a few hours every day and we've had some pretty cool spring weather. They haven't really grown but they're all doing great, none dead. today i added 8 more to it. really hoping if all else fails there might be a few fairies to lay their eggs in here, it would be absolutely perfect... unless someone wants to put this bird bath back to use...

I probably left out a lot of information, but i just want to know if anyone's actually gotten this to work. And are Triops easier?

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#2 Guest_Auban_*

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Posted 15 April 2012 - 08:41 PM

it is absolutely possible. and no, triops arent really any easier, they are both about the same.

i have had the most success with raising fairy shrimp in water that i never touch. they really dont do well with water changes, as i learned repeatedly when i first started raising them. they do a lot better with something in the water that can continuously feed them, like dead leaves that grow bacteria, or a nice culture of green water. the fairy shrimp that i had that lived the longest were in a tank that had sand, dead leaves, and a light on 24/7. i used a live algae supplement made for reef tanks to feed them, which i stopped providing because it took off and created a green water culture. if you look closely at the females, you will see eggs forming in their brood pouches before too long. when they all die, just drain the water off, dry it out for a little bit, and add more water. the second time around is usually more successful, as it is already seeded with bacteria and algae that can feed the fairy shrimp when they hatch.

#3 Guest_Peeps_*

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Posted 15 April 2012 - 09:35 PM

well as expected all of the fairies in the kritter keeper are now dead, but i'm not quite sure how to go about it. I got rid of all the water except what i couldn't get out without dumping everything. But should i take the dead shrimp out? i didn't only because i'm pretty sure a lot of the females never actually layed the eggs but they mated. so i was thinking that just maybe there was a possibility that some of them might be able to hatch, but not sure. The two other containers with them are still doing pretty good, i did find that two in the bird bath died, but it's because they got stuck in a mass of green sticky stuff (i'm guessing poo and pond muck). There's no sun right now, so it'll take a while for the small cage to dry too :/ But your way sounds pretty much what the two containers that are still living are like. I think the main reason the small tank didn't work was overcrowding, but i was too scared to try and space them out cause if i move them at all they always seem to die.
Thank you for replying though :) I'll keep watching the few i have left, if the weather doesn't t kill the outside ones then i have a feeling they might just work.

#4 Guest_Peeps_*

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Posted 15 April 2012 - 09:41 PM

oh, also (sorry) forgot to ask, did you raise yours from vernal pond shrimp or egg packets?? thanks again :)

#5 Guest_Auban_*

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Posted 16 April 2012 - 01:49 AM

mine came rom egg packets little bags of sand containing them. i moved them from from tank to tank several times without them dying, but i have to move most of the water as well.

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