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Madtoms or Bullheads?

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#1 Guest_and_*

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Posted 15 June 2012 - 07:08 AM

Someone pls comment on this guy's video:

His youtube description claims they are "Tiny Catfish- Margined and Tadpole Madtoms" but adipose fins are clearly free.

Yesterday I caught 7 small catfish in a minnow trap. Sizes range from 2" - 4". Three appear gravid. They all have free adipose fins. They were taken from a small quarry that does not appear to contain any fish other than Shiners and small catfish. I have fished it extensively using baited hooks but no catches. This quarry is the size of a tennis court. If Bullheads are present they are not hitting nigthcrawlers or dead Shiners. Strange. If the 7 fish are Bullheads, and if they are gravid, it will be the worse case of stunting I have ever seen. In most cases of stunting however, there are so many fish present that they are visible while one stands at the shore's edge. Not so in this case. Only after removing the minnow trap did I realize small catfish were present. ??? ?? ?

#2 Guest_exasperatus2002_*

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Posted 15 June 2012 - 10:41 AM

Looks like they're Black Bullheads http://www.planetcat...p?species_id=32

this is a marginated madtom. http://s250.photobuc...nt=DSCN6446.mp4

Edited by exasperatus2002, 15 June 2012 - 10:46 AM.

#3 Guest_njJohn_*

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Posted 15 June 2012 - 03:24 PM

Young Bullheads with bellies full with earth worms.

#4 Guest_Orangespotted_*

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Posted 15 June 2012 - 04:54 PM

Definitely bullheads, I had to scoop up a bunch of dead ones that size today. Rototene is messy business. On a lighter note, little bullheads are adorable fish!

#5 Guest_Draros_*

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Posted 15 June 2012 - 10:53 PM

I think he has a mix of black and yellow bullheads.

#6 Guest_don212_*

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Posted 16 June 2012 - 08:23 PM

up in ny i used to catch a lot of small bullhead like this, black bullhead are not big, but in some locations it seems you only catch tiny4-7 inch ones, maybe overpopulation, maybe a nursery area

#7 Guest_and_*

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Posted 17 June 2012 - 07:02 AM

up in ny i used to catch a lot of small bullhead like this, black bullhead are not big, but in some locations it seems you only catch tiny4-7 inch ones, maybe overpopulation, maybe a nursery area

"up in ny" the record Black Bullhead weighed >7 lbs ( http://www.dec.ny.go...tdoor/7935.html ) I know from experience a bullhead of this size would be >24" TL

A Black bullhead "up in ny" isn't even considered big until it weighs >1 lb ( http://www.dec.ny.go...door/34371.html ) which again I know from experience would be >12" TL

One has to wonder however, about hybrids, crosses, swarms, etc, between Black (Ameiurus melas), Brown (Ameiurus nebulosus), &/or Yellow (Ameiurus natalis) of the fish in question.

#8 Guest_joemueller_*

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Posted 17 June 2012 - 05:18 PM

black and yellow bullheads. awesome for the tank.

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