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Tennessee 2012/2013 Cement Pond Pool Party

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#21 Guest_Casper_*

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Posted 09 October 2012 - 06:29 PM

According to David Etnier they eat the whole snail and then poop it out with an audible grunt.
I thought by chance they might spit them out, kinda like owl pellets, but David assured me they pass through the darter's digestive system. 4 Snail Darters produced 17 empty snail shells.
I just smelled the shells that i have saved in a film canister. They smell kinda poopy.

Leaves are turning and the water cooling. I do not expect to snorkel anymore this year, but pulling a seine might bring some suprises.

#22 Guest_Casper_*

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Posted 29 January 2013 - 06:22 PM

Looks like this year's Free Fishing Day falls on June 8th, Saturday.
South Chickamauga Creeks Greenway Alliance is planning their annual picnic again on the same site alongside the creek.

#23 Guest_davidjh2_*

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Posted 06 February 2013 - 01:03 PM

Wonder if I can talk the wife into letting me go play this year. According to this website http://iz.carnegiemn...s/tennessee.htm there are 77 different species of crayfish in Tennessee and there are ongoing efforts to identify more/split some off from existing species.

Edited by davidjh2, 06 February 2013 - 01:06 PM.

#24 Guest_Casper_*

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Posted 16 May 2013 - 11:04 AM

2013 June 8, Saturday.
I do not plan on offering as extensive of an activity as last year, but if anyone is interested, here is this year's SCCGA flyer. I would consider following the free Seining Saturday with a Sunday of Snorkeling if folks who attend desire to do so. Probably the Hiwassee or Conasauga.
I can offer lodging in my studio apartment if need be.

Attached Images

  • SCCGA-Picnic2013.jpg

#25 Guest_alejandro_*

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Posted 01 June 2013 - 12:05 PM

I cleared out that weekend so you can count me in. Looking forward to it!


#26 Guest_Casper_*

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Posted 06 June 2013 - 04:44 PM

This weekend promises to be fine weathered. And i expect to see firey mounds of gathered stones in the clear Hiwassee.
Good fishy folk both dayz.

#27 Guest_Casper_*

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Posted 10 June 2013 - 11:35 AM


All went well... I am off the MO / AR for a fine fishy wander with no time to write a report.
Maybe some attendees will post photos and various lies.

I can agument them if my memory has not been reformatted upon my return.

#28 Guest_fundulus_*

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Posted 10 June 2013 - 03:46 PM

I have a very few photos to post later. NANFA members Casper (photographer), myself (dead center looking over two girls), Michael (standing sixth from left) and Alejandro (standing third from right) joined the picnic hosted by Phil for the South Chicamauga Greenway Alliance. This photo is very slightly inside Georgia, Tennessee is about 200 m to the left. In 2 hours of seining the creek behind the photo we caught large numbers of bigeye chubs, stonerollers, about 8 species of sunfish including LM bass and crappie, tennessee snubnose darters and hogsuckers of various sizes. River chubs were also common, and we caught at least one smallish redhorse of indeterminate species (probably golden), several spotfin shiners, a shad and a warpaint shiner. This creek has recovered from being the sanitary sewer for the town of Ringgold, GA, even though it's still a little turbid from other land use problems. I suspect this event will happen next year too, at this site or another. Come on down!

#29 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
  • Board of Directors
  • North Georgia, Oconee River Drainage

Posted 10 June 2013 - 06:12 PM

Yes, y'all read that right. My buddy Casper, pulled together the regional reps from TN, GA, and AL at a single event. What water war? We were in the water all day and never had anything to fight about. Even though he organized a "Tennessee" event inside Georgia! Now who's trying to move the line? We had a great time together, including a picnic, some jeep bumper rides, surveying the state line, and all those cool fish. I will add to Bruce's list some big catfish, buffalo, and gar that we're positively ID from the shore but too crafty for the old men involved in the seine drag.

Bravo snorkelman! Way to bring us all together. You were an excellent and welcoming host.
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

#30 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
  • Board of Directors
  • North Georgia, Oconee River Drainage

Posted 15 June 2013 - 10:51 PM

Adding some photos from the Chickamauga...

Blackspotted Topminnow
Posted Image

Bigeye Chub
Posted Image

Tennessee Darter
Posted Image

Blueside Darter
Posted Image

Bluntnose Minnow
Posted Image

just his face
Posted Image

and last but certainly not least... this juvenile sculpin... not sure of the species... maybe Dr. Dave will give me a judgement call on this little guy... I have never seen orange and blue on a sculpin line this before... we caught a bunch of these that were all only about an inch or so long.
Posted Image
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

#31 Guest_daveneely_*

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Posted 16 June 2013 - 07:54 AM

...and last but certainly not least... this juvenile sculpin... not sure of the species... maybe Dr. Dave will give me a judgement call on this little guy... I have never seen orange and blue on a sculpin line this before... we caught a bunch of these that were all only about an inch or so long.
Posted Image

Only thing in the South Chick is C. carolinae. When they're small they can be tricky. Sometimes you'll see colors that you'd swear were pygmy sculpin-like on bandeds over chert gravel. Little chameleons, they are.

#32 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
  • Board of Directors
  • North Georgia, Oconee River Drainage

Posted 16 June 2013 - 08:02 AM

Thanks Dave, I'm sure your answer is still correct, but just for clarity, this little guy came from south (which in this case means upstream) of Casper's place... all the way down in Ringgold, Georgia where the maps just call it Chickamauga River (which is where we got the bluesides ... type locality for them).
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

#33 Guest_fundulus_*

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Posted 16 June 2013 - 01:39 PM

And here's a shot of Casper and Alejandro just before we hit the creek:

#34 Guest_Casper_*

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Posted 18 July 2013 - 08:42 PM

Nice photos Michael.
I picked a few more from our 2 days.

Saturday South Chick Picnic...


Straddling the Line, the State Representatives post feud.


Net o Tennessee Snubs, Bruce's catch for the Alabama lab.


Fish are his Friends.


Dead Shad :( I thought for sure he was gonna make it.

Sunday Snorkel in the Hiwassee...


Snail Darter, fairly common in the Hiwassee, gotta look for them in the right habitat.


Pair of Gilts, the male a bit blurry in his darting about.


Tennessee Snub, in Tennessee but now only a simple snubnose i believe.


What kind of fancy shell ornamentation is this? Kelp?


Nubed Bender, many are missing toes. Why would that be?


River Chub, only a week before his nest was swarmed with flaming orange Tennessee Shiners. Today he was only caretaking, moving a stone or two.


A nest rises above the water. Several were scattered about. 30 minutes later they was below surface and we were driven upstream.


The cold water dam release fogging in the warm air.

The next morning i headed to Cerulean Kentucky and crossed the great river into the Show Me State.

#35 Guest_fundulus_*

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Posted 19 July 2013 - 06:04 PM

Out of the 19 snubs I brought home, only one of them had a single gill parasite. But we should have DNA sequences off of it by the end of the summer. And as always those are great photos; I'm congratulating myself for the state line photo(!).

#36 Guest_fundulus_*

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Posted 10 October 2013 - 04:29 PM

As a late bump on this thread, we've been able to get excellent DNA data from the one gill parasite and its E. simoterum host. Not surprisingly, in our preliminary trees built from our very early set of sequences the South Chickamauga fish & parasite are closest to the fish and parasites from Estill Fork of the Paint Rock River in NE Alabama, distinct from E. duryi in the Flint River of AL, and even further distinct from E. flavum in Flat Creek in Maury County, TN. Thanks again to Casper, Michael and Alejandro for their help netting the fish.

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