The material on which the present paper is based was obtained by the writer and his assistant, Mr. Charles H. Gilbert, during the past summer (1876), ... a week's seining in the South Fork of the Ocmulgee River at Flat Rock, Dekalb Co., Georgia...
Our collections in this stream were made in the South Fork, or South River, at Flat Shoals (Flat Rock P. O.), in Dekalb Co., some 16 miles south-east of Atlanta. At this point the river flows down an inclined plane on a bed of granite, and as its banks have been cleared in the immediate neighborhood of the w Shoals," it offers excellent advantages for small seining. Our work was confined to one point, as the river is thickly wooded above and below, and therefore full of snags.
And we were able to head out this morning to do the same thing, at the same spot 136 years later!
We met at a county park area that has a jogging and bike trail right by the river, and collected at the shoals, same as D.S.Jordan did the summer of 1876! Right here in the ATL we saw 18 species (at least; a couple f the small shiners have me looking in books), in a river that by many is considered by many as nothing but urban run off. We had Brett and Lucas from the DNR, and Will (Brett's son) and NANFAns Alejandro, Camm and myself.

Our fish lists includes:
Campostoma pauciradii Bluefin Stoneroller
Cyprinella callisema Ocmulgee Shiner

Cyprinella lutrensis Red Shiner (not native to this drainage)

Cyprinella xaenura Altamaha Shiner

Hybopsis rubrifrons Rosyface Chub
Nocomis leptocephalus Bluehead Chub
Notenigonus crysoleucas Golden Shiner

Notropis hudsonius Spottail Shiner
Notropis lutipinis Yellowfin Shiner
Moxostoma collapsum Notchlip Redhorse

Moxostoma sp Jumprock (Striped or Brassy I will do some ray and scale counts tonight)

Ameriurus brunneus Snail Bullhead

Lepomis auritus Redbreast Sunfish
Lepomis machrochirus Bluegill Sunfish
Lepomis microlophus Redear Sunfish
Etheostoma inscriptum Turquoise Darter

Percina nigrofaciata Blackbanded Darter