Paralabrax Maculatofasciatus "Spotted Sand-Bass", a native serranid of southern california's bays, found as far south as nicaragua.

Paralichthys californicus "California Halibut" A largetooth flounder, and close relative of summer and gulf flounders.

Umbrina Roncador "Yellow-fin Croaker", common drums found here, they are actually a nuisance species for me, often getting between me and more desirable fish..

..regardless, they are still very strong fighters, and are alot of fun on light line.
Amphistichus Argenteus "Barred Surfperch", a relative of the "Tule Perch", in the family Embiotocidae, distantly related to Wrasses!

Embiotoca jacksonii "Black Surfperch"yet another member of the family Embiotocidae! They can have quite variable coloration, as well!

And here's a non-native fish you all should know

Poor thing had part of its premaxilla damaged, yet it still has no trouble feeding!
All these fish were released to get big and break some lines