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What kind of snails work w/ sunfish?

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#1 Guest_Leftturn31_*

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Posted 16 November 2012 - 10:21 AM

I'm looking into getting some snails for my sunfish tanks but don't know anything about snails. Here are the tanks i have 1-40 gal breeder w/ 2 male greens about 5" long, 1-40 gallon breeder w/ 3 bluegills that i belive are all males 4"-6", Last tank is in living room for show 72 gal bow front w/ 7 dollars - 7 c. longears & 6 missouri longears. The last ones i got from Brian Zimmerman in the begining of Oct. Now the biggest are about 1 1/2" and smallest about 1" some already showing great blue colors. Thanks again Brian! The 72 is planted with black diamond sand and Seachem root tabs. Supplemented w/ FlourinAxis in water column. My plants seem to be growing ok but the lower leaves have blackish algae on them and i'd like to put some snails in the tank to help with the algae and dying leaves. What kind of snails would be good for this job. I've read some kinds multiply like crazy, some don't have eggs that will hatch, some will be so small they will get eaten. I'm confused and hoping for some ideas and reasons on what to go with. Only seen mystery snails at lfs so if those won't work i'll need to get some ordered quick cause the nights are getting down to mid teens already in MN. Sorry for the long post but info should help with ideas. :-k Cory

PS will post pics tonite before water change.

#2 Guest_Kanus_*

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Posted 16 November 2012 - 12:16 PM

I would recommend Malaysian Trumpet Snails and Olive Nerites. Ramshorn snails are good scavengers to have but they may be eaten (it seems some sunfish leave snails alone and some hunt them down. Neither of the first species should be vulnerable to predation. Nerites are excellent algae eaters, and trumpet snails aerate the substrate and are great for cleaning up after large fish. They also pretty much stay out of sight unless the lights are off. They do reproduce pretty rapidly though.

#3 Guest_Usil_*

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Posted 16 November 2012 - 03:18 PM

Nerites have worked for me with no issues.


#4 Guest_Irate Mormon_*

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
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Posted 22 November 2012 - 12:35 AM

+1 on MTS

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