Shiner #1
Shiner #2
Shiner #3
Shiner #4
As far as research, I dug up this table of fish sampled in the James River and Finley Creek.
As best as I can tell, here are the candidates to choose from.
Notropis boops - Bigeye Shiner
Notropis chrysocephalus - Striped Shiner
Notropis galacturus - Whitetail Shiner
Notropis greenei - Wedgespot Shiner
Notropis nubilus - Ozark Minnow
Notropis pilsbryi - Duskystripe Shiner
Notropis rubellus - Rosyface Shiner
Notropis telescopus - Telescope Shiner
Notropis ozarcanus - Ozark Shiner
Notemigonus crysoleucas - Golden Shiner
Hybopsis amblops - Bigeye Chub
If you're up to the challenge, I'd love to hear your thoughts on what these might be!