We will be offering 2 trips to the Kentucky River drainage. On Saturday Matt De La Vega will be guiding a trip to the Forks of the Kentucky River. You will go to locations on the South Fork, Middle Fork, and some tributaries. On Sunday, Matt will be guiding a trip to the Red River Gorge to sample the Red River and some of its tribs. If you are heading North or North East, you may want to visit the Red River Gorge on Sunday.
KY Drainage Locations Map:

Google Map:
The Convention Lodge is the place marker in the lower left over the Daniel Boone National Forest. The drive from the lodge to the 1st location is roughly 1 1/2 to 2 hours plus stops.
Possible Species:
Follow the links to see the complete species listings
Booneville: http://fw.ky.gov/kfw...=ScientificName
Tallega: http://fw.ky.gov/kfw...=ScientificName
Species of Interest include:
Gilt Darter

Bluebreast Darter:

Frecklebelly Darter:

Rosyface Shiner:

Other species of interest include, but not limited to: Tippecanoe Darter, Shoal Chub, Southern Red-belly Dace, Mountain Madtom, Silverjaw Minnow, Brindled Madtom, and Streamline Chub.
Species for Sunday's trip to the Red River Gorge are similar to the species found on Saturday at the Forks of the Kentucky, but you will have the opportunity to enjoy a truly beautiful area of Kentucky, the Red River Gorge.
Red River Species:
No Take Speciesfor this drainage include:
Northern Brook Lamprey
American Brook Lamprey
Redside Dace
Highfin Carpsucker
Northern Madtom
Kentucky Arrow Darter
Sheltowee Darter (Dix River Drainage)
Longhead Darter (historic)

these species have been decided on based on their status of T&E, and with the help of the KDFWR. These species will not be allowed to be taken at the convention.
You can register for the NANFA convention here:
This is not a signup for the trip. There will be a signup at the convention for each trip. We will include maps, directions, and phone numbers at the convention. Not all collecting locations are shown here. Some locations may be added/subtracted based on time. Please be ready to leave at 8am. Lunch will NOT be provided. Trip leader may stop at a local restaurant and/or gas station, but that will be decided on during the trip. If you have any questions or suggestions please comment and myself or Matt will try to answer.