We will be offering 2 trips to the Cumberland River drainage. On Saturday I, Josh Blaylock, will be guiding a trip to Buck Creek, Fishing Creek, & possibly the Rockcastle River. On this trip you will visit locations on Buck Creek, Fishing Creek, and the headwaters of Fishing Creek. Also, depending on time and what the majority wants, we may visit the Little Rockcastle River OR the headwaters of the Green River. On Sunday, I will be guiding a trip to the Rockcastle River proper, and possibly some tribs. This would be the best option for anybody heading south on I75 from the Convention. We will be going north just a bit, but this will be the southern most trip and we'll be near I75.
Cumberland Drainage Locations Map:

Google Map:
The Convention Lodge is the place marker in the lower right over the Daniel Boone National Forest. The drive from the lodge to the 1st location is roughly 1 to 1 1/2 hours plus stops.
Possible Species:
Follow the links to see the complete species listings
Shopville: http://fw.ky.gov/kfw...=ScientificName
Eubank: http://fw.ky.gov/kfw...=ScientificName
Halls Gap: http://fw.ky.gov/kfw...=ScientificName
Species of Interest include:
Redline Darter

Eastrim Darter:
Bloodfin Darter:
Headwater Darter:
Scarlet Shiner
Other species of interest include, but not limited to: Banded Darter, Striped Darter, Whitetail Shiner, Longhunt Darter, Spotfin Shiner, Rainbow Darter, Northern Studfish.
Species for Sunday's Trip are similar to the location at Buck Creek. This trip will be on the Rockcastle River & tribs.
Rockcastle Species:
No Take Species for these Trips include:
American Brook Lamprey
Lake Sturgeon
Blotched Chub
Pallid Shiner
Palezone Shiner
Sawfin Shiner
Stargazing Minnow
Highfin Carpsucker
Blue Sucker
Southern Cavefish
Western Sand Darter
Redlips Darter (formally Ashy Darter)
Cumberland Arrow Darter
Olive Darter

these species have been decided on based on their status of T&E, and with the help of the KDFWR. These species will not be allowed to be taken at the convention. Also, if you are a bit of a rockhound, this trip may be for you. You will likely see different geodes and agatized coral on this trip.
You can register for the 2012 NANFA Convention Here:
This is not a signup for the trip. There will be a signup at the convention for each trip. We will include maps, directions, and phone numbers at the convention. Not all collecting locations are shown here. Some locations may be added/subtracted based on time. Please be ready to leave at 8am. Lunch will NOT be provided. Trip leader may stop at a local restaurant and/or gas station, but that will be decided on during the trip. If you have any questions or suggestions please comment and myself or Matt will try to answer.
Edited by jblaylock, 06 January 2013 - 08:20 PM.