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Deep Blue Professional Aquaria

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#1 Guest_BTDarters_*

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 10:49 PM

Does anyone here have any experience with Deep Blue Professional aquaria (http://www.deepblueprofessional.com)? I was looking at getting a small one for some "nano" fish and was just told by a good friend who is a service manager at a major aquarium store chain that he has heard that the DBP aquaria are really bad. He says that he knows a person who based their starting business on sales of DBP aquarium setups and that 50% of the aquaria leaked and got returned to the store! I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. The Deep Blue website has very little information, and when I emailed Deep Blue, this was their reply:

Thank you for contacting Deep Blue Professional.
We are a manufacturer of auariums and aqatic accessories servicing independent pet shops via distributors in the Eastern US.
Yes, our 5-compartment betta tank can be used without the dividers, as can the 2 and 3-compartment units.
If you are interested in reselling our tanks, we can forward your contact info to the distributor for your area, and someone will be in touch shortly.
Thanks again,
DBP Customer Service
Deep Blue Professional

My first thought was, "They can't spell aquariums or aquatic???" Maybe not a big deal, but it sure took me aback. Also, I had asked them to tell me a little more about their company. You may notice that there is very little company information in the email. There is no contact phone number or physical address on their website. Also, they said that a distributor would contact me. That was on February 25th. Today is about two weeks beyond that and I haven't heard from any distributor.

So maybe this email is more of a warning than a question! But if you have any experiences with their tanks, I would sure like to hear about it. I'm a little disappointed. The tanks sure look cool!


#2 Guest_Subrosa_*

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 06:31 AM

I set up a 100 gal Bowfront for a customer about 2 months ago. No issues. Deep Blue is a "desecendant" of Oceanic, and Oceanic were imo the best off the shelf tanks available. I didn't deal with them directly however so I can't speak personally about their customer service.

#3 Guest_chibikaie_*

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Posted 13 March 2013 - 11:11 PM

That's certainly very alarming. I know a couple planted tank people who really like the Deep Blue tanks. They're considered higher quality than the Aqueon or Top Fin ones, with price tags to match. Myself, I see no problem with cheap tanks as long as they don't leak, so I've never felt the urge to try one out myself.

#4 Guest_FirstChAoS_*

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Posted 17 March 2013 - 02:20 AM

Their idea of a low profile frag tank sounds interesting, i wonder if one would work for bottom dwellers who need less vertical space. assuming it holds water.

#5 Guest_VJM_*

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Posted 18 August 2013 - 04:38 PM

I have the same tank you emailed them about. Currently home to yellow shrimp, and soon some least killifish.

It is well made. Nice silicone work, zero problems. I have moved it twice in six months, and it doesn't show any sign. I no of no reports that Deep Blue tanks fail at any higher rate than any other brand.

#6 vjfields

  • NANFA Guest

Posted 29 June 2016 - 08:40 PM

Did anyone ever get a phone number for this place? Bought a 120 gallon tank with an apparent defect in the bottom seal. It is now leaking and it says you can only reach through email.

Sent from my SGH-M819N using Tapatalk

#7 Irate Mormon

Irate Mormon
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  • Crooked Creek, Mississippi

Posted 01 July 2016 - 10:07 PM

My guess is this is a chinese company.  Obvious misspellings generally point in that direction.

-The member currently known as Irate Mormon

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