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Possible AC material?

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#1 mattknepley

  • NANFA Member
  • Smack-dab between the Savannah and the Saluda.

Posted 02 June 2013 - 07:09 AM

My apologies if this is already regularly done and I've just been away from NANFA to long to know it...

Thirty-some years ago, when I first started getting into fish keeping, I subscribed to Freshwater and Marine Aquarium magazine (FAMA). Although there were other good periodicals I enjoyed and subscribed to, for various reasons I liked FAMA best. One of my favorite columns waszA "Aquascaping". A fine author, whose name I forget off-hand, dedicated his literary efforts to designing, creating, populating and photographing aquarium set-ups that mimicked very specific sections of freshwater aquatic ecosystems from Central/South America, Africa, Asia, and maybe Australia. He used "tank furniture" native to the habitats he was recreating, and filled the aquarium with creatures native to that particular niche he was copying. He did more than throw sword plants in a tank with tetras, if he was modelling the base of waterfall, the substrates were layered in ways the water would have shaped it, established a proper current, et cetera.

As I recall, some were rather simple, some more complicated. All included a diagram, and photos of the result. I never had the means to copy what he did, but traveled vicariously through him.

Fast forward to today's more sophisticated endeavors, notably ones such as Takashi Amano's, as well as international design competitions and it would seem the interest in aquascaping is still there. Closer to home, I really, really enjoyed Chris Crippen's "Logistics for Public Display of Roanoke Logperch" in the last AC. I'll never have the wherewithall to put such a system together; but he allowed me to feel like I could.

Perhaps we NANFAns could contribute a few such articles for AC? Seems to me as if there would be a lot we could do with this. Mimicked habitats could so simple as to allow a young child to create it; or as complex and out-of-reach as for most of us as Amano's and Crippen's. Anything between those poles would be fascinating to someone like me.

I would also think this would be a neat way for us to collaborate. We all know there is some fantastic underwater photography on this forum. I refrain from giving credit where it is due only because I'm afraid I'll accidentally leave somebody out; but if you follow along regularly here, you already had names coming to mind when you read that last sentence. We also have professional as well as very accomplished amateur aquarium designers among us. Perhaps we could work together to bring waters from around the continent to life in our homes.

I'd love to learn how to create a swampy Alaskan blackfish abode, try my hand at copying a rocky Lake Superior shoreline, be taught how to make the base of an Appalachian waterfall come to life in a modest scale on a modest budget, and relive my days floating Florida spring-fed rivers and swimming in peaty southern tier New York bog ponds. Midwestern and western NANFAns could expose me to biotopes I've never had the pleasure of experiencing closely, if at all.

I won't throw you all under the bus without jumping myself. If somebody wants to provide the photography and their personal insight, I'll try to design something and write it up. Be forewarned, though, my budget and abilities are modest at best!
Matt Knepley
"No thanks, a third of a gopher would merely arouse my appetite..."

#2 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
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Posted 02 June 2013 - 08:19 AM

I like the idea,for all the reasons you outlined and one more... NANFA is an all volunteer organization, and American Currents relies on our members to provide content. Whatever you want to see, you should share. And then we should each participate in some way that works best for the skills we have.
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

#3 Guest_Kanus_*

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Posted 02 June 2013 - 03:14 PM

I too would love to see stuff like this. Not being what I consider a particularly talented aquascaper, I was incredibly impressed by Todd's article (http://www.farmertod...e_fish_tank.pdf) and talk he gave at the 2007 convention in NC. I admittedly have ripped off his ideas for my own 75 gallon, and though I have moved it multiple times since initial setup, continue to tweak and adjust each time based on his approach (though I currently lack Vallisneria thanks to a flourish excel/black brush algae incident!). I would love to read more about other ideas for biotope/habitat recreation...

#4 mattknepley

  • NANFA Member
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Posted 02 June 2013 - 04:37 PM

Thanks for posting that link, Derek. Lots there to digest. (Cheesy live-substrate pun intended. #-o ) Todd most certainly did do an impressive job there. I look forward to a day when a 100 gallon set up like that is within my reach!
Matt Knepley
"No thanks, a third of a gopher would merely arouse my appetite..."

#5 Guest_FirstChAoS_*

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 01:15 AM

I like the idea,for all the reasons you outlined and one more... NANFA is an all volunteer organization, and American Currents relies on our members to provide content. Whatever you want to see, you should share. And then we should each participate in some way that works best for the skills we have.

I have considered writing to American Currents but I always feel my knowledge isn't good enough and that no one cares about my local species.

#6 mattknepley

  • NANFA Member
  • Smack-dab between the Savannah and the Saluda.

Posted 03 June 2013 - 05:48 AM

I have considered writing to American Currents but I always feel my knowledge isn't good enough and that no one cares about my local species.

I don't know about that. You are a frequent contributor here on the forum and your input is relevant and appreciated. If you are unsure of your knowledge and/or writing abilities, find a partner and/or mentor for your idea here in NANFA. I am by no means an expert on anything relating to, well, anything. But I like to observe and learn, and share. I decided, after a great deal of thought, to try to contribute to AC. I, too, was rather intimidated at the thought of trying to provide material to a publication I hold in high regard and learn from. My writing is passable, but I questioned my knowledge on my desired topic. In short order, after a couple PMs, I had located a NANFAn able to fill in the gaps, and who patiently and productively reviewed and critiqued a few rough drafts. They even offered to ghost-write some of it if I wanted, and best of all, we hit the stream together to add to my knowledge and article itself. (If they use my writeup in AC, the would-be "ghost" gets his due, but till then I'll let him remain anonymous.) O:)

I also think there would be much interest in your local species. Northeastern / New England NANFAns would like to see the "home folks" treated in print. And for those of us further away, your local species are exotic to us. The sum of my experience in the natural world of NH is wrapped up in one hike up Mt. Monadnock. (Don't know if I spelled that right.) I'd be interested in learning anything about stuff up that way.

So give it a shot. And I'll put my money where my mouth is. If you have an idea you're serious about developing but don't want to do it on your own, PM me. I'll help to the best of my abilities, even if that means finding a ghost!
Matt Knepley
"No thanks, a third of a gopher would merely arouse my appetite..."

#7 Guest_keepnatives_*

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 07:28 PM

I have considered writing to American Currents but I always feel my knowledge isn't good enough and that no one cares about my local species.

You should do a fish in focus article on longnose dace, they are a fish you really enjoy, have some experience with and are cool natives. With a little research you could have a very nice article. I'll give you any assistance I can. I'd love to get some nice photos of breeding condition males it may not be too late.

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