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Long term quarantine tank care

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#21 Guest_EBParks_*

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Posted 10 September 2013 - 11:09 AM

Josh, a tank does not really cycle, a filter does. Can you keep extra sponge filters in active tanks, and simply move sponge filters into the quarantine tank as needed? I like these. http://business.acce...ultimatesponge/

Yeah I've got some extra filter media in the tanks now since the quarantine tanks are relatively barren.

Is it significant?

I looked up the reaction and I see now what your saying.

Is it enough to change the pH in an aquarium?

Yeah in some of my larger recirculation systems (2000 gal+) or heavy loaded quarantine tanks, the alkalinity can drop from 150+ to zero in a matter of a day or two. Once it occurs you basically get a freeze on nitrification. The only saving grace is that ammonia becomes less toxic at that pH, but it's it's way better that I just got a handle on a good cycled tank at proper pH.

#22 Guest_EricaLyons_*

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Posted 10 September 2013 - 12:34 PM

Wow, that's intense. I guess with my lightly stocked, heavily planted tanks that never came up. I see now how alkalinity would be a big issue in a large recirculation type system. Daaang, I'm impressed. It's good learning about something new :)

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