Sometimes I like to get the answer from KDFWR on a certain species, especially when the species is not listed in the guide:
We do not consider the Round Goby to be an aquarium species (see below), so it falls under Section 1. Therefore you cannot possess them. This is critical in that the Round Goby is highly invasive and is considered a dangerous nuisance species…
301 KAR 1:122. Importation, possession, and prohibited aquatic species.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: KRS 150.025(1)©, 150.280(2)
NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY: KRS 150.025(1)© authorizes the department to promulgate administrative regulations regarding the buying, selling, or transporting of fish and wildlife. KRS 150.280(2) authorizes the department to promulgate administrative regulations prohibiting the holding or transporting of species potentially damaging to native ecosystems. This administrative regulation establishes the species of aquatic life which are prohibited in the Commonwealth.
Section 1. A person shall not buy, sell, possess, import, or release any aquatic species not native or established in Kentucky waters, except as specified in Sections 2, 4, or 5 of this administrative regulation.
Section 2. Exceptions. (1) A person may buy, sell, import, or possess aquarium species, except those specified in Section 3 of this administrative regulation, but shall not release the species into Kentucky waters.
(2) A person may buy, sell, import, or possess sterile, triploid grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), but shall comply with the requirements of 301 KAR 1:171.
(3) A fertile, diploid grass carp may only be imported or possessed by a certified propagator for the exclusive purpose of producing triploid grass carp.
Section 3. The following live aquatic organisms shall not be imported, bought, sold, or possessed in aquaria:
(1) Subfamily Serrasalminae - piranha, piraya, pirae, or tiger characins;
(2) Astyanax mexicanus - Mexican banded tetra, Mexican minnow or Mexican tetra;
(3) Petromyzon marinus - sea lamprey;
(4) Genus Clarias - walking catfish;
(5) Genus Channa - snakeheads of Asia and Africa; or
(6) Dreissena polymorpha - zebra mussel.
Section 4. Asian carp. (1) A person shall not buy, sell, import, transport, or release the following live Asian carp species:
(a) Hypophthalmichthys molitrix – silver carp;
(b) Hypophthalmichthys nobilis – bighead carp;
© Mylopharyngodon piceus – black carp; or
(d) Ctenopharyngodon idella – grass carp, except as established in Section 2(2) and (3) of this administrative regulation.
(2) A licensed commercial fisherman shall be permitted to possess, sell, and transport the species of Asian carp listed in Section 4(1) of this administrative regulation if the Asian carp are:
(a) Not being transported in water;
(b) Moribund; and
© Being transported to a fish processing facility.

Round Goby
Started by
, Sep 06 2013 09:03 AM
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