This will be primarily a tropical fish event, but there will be a North American Natives class in the show that I'm hoping will help generate more interest within the club. It's been a pretty popular class at past events.
The speaker lineup includes 17 talks by Ted Judy (2 talks), Gary Lange, Dean Majorino, Pat Donston, Chuck Davis, Mo Devlin, Dr. Ted Coletti, Frank Zillitto, Rosario LaCorte, Larry Jinks, Juan-Miguel Artigas-Azas (sponsored by the ACA and Zoomed), Mike Soda, Dr. Paul Loiselle, Bob Larsen, Tony Orso, Laif Demason and Randy Carey.
For more info, please visit the North Jersey Aquarium Society on facebook or the website

NJAS 60th Anniversary Weekend - Oct 10..13
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, Sep 13 2013 02:31 PM
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