Last fall I sampled a half mile stretch of Sandy Creek by myself with nothing but a perfect dip net and a crappie pole rigged with a microhook. In just a few hours I found these species:
- creek chub
- sand shiner
- red shiner
- spotfin shiner
- emerald shiner
- central stoneroller
- suckermouth minnow
- southern redbelly dace
- bluntnose minnow
- blacknose dace
- fantail darter
- johnny darter
- rainbow darter
- orangethroat darter
- mud darter
- banded darter
- blackside darter
- logperch
- blackstripe topminnow
- western mosquitofish
- shorthead redhorse
- golden redhorse
- northern hogsucker
- quillback
- highfin carpsucker
- black buffalo
- smallmouth buffalo
- freshwater drum
- common carp
- grass carp
- channel catfish
- white bass
- smallmouth bass
- largemouth bass
- bluegill
- green sunfish
- readear sunfish
From Friday (4/18/2014):
shorthead redhorse
golden redhorse
From last fall (9/29/2014):
Sandy Creek
red shiner
suckermouth minnow
mud darter
banded darter
northern clearwater crayfish