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Books for sale, Jim Johnson

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#1 Guest_gerald_*

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Posted 12 May 2014 - 07:12 PM

Received this from NCSU Fisheries email list. Sounds like he'd prefer to sell the whole lot together, but he might be open to piecing them out. ~ GBP

Fisheries Books for Sale:
All of the following books I need to sell, I have retired and we are downsizing our home and have no room in my library. I am asking $250 for all of the volumes listed. If interested please contact:
Jim Johnson jjohnson@summitanalytical.com

(1) Sears Foundation for Marine Research: Fishes of the Western North Atlantic (All 7 volumes in Excellent Conditionand in original covers)
  • Part 1; Lancelets, Cyclostomes, Sharks
  • Part 2; Sawfishes, Guitarfishes, Skates, Rays and Chimaeroids
  • Part 3; Salmon, Trouts, Tarpon, Ladyfish, Bonefish, Charrs, Anchovies, Herrings, and others
  • Part 4; Order Isospondyli, in part (Argentinoids, Stomaitoids, Esocoids, Bathylaconoids) and Order Giganturoidei
  • Part 5; Order Iniomi, Order Lyomeri
  • Part 6; Order Heteromi, Suborder Cyprinodontoidei, Orders Berycomorphi, Xenoberyces, and Anacantnthini in part (Macrouridae)
  • Part 7; Family Neoscopelidae, family Myctophidae
(2) Biological Services Program; Fish and Wildlife Service, US Department of Interior. DEVELOPMENT OF FISHES OF THE MID-ATLANTIC BIGHT: AN ATLAS OF EGG, LARVAL, AND JUVENILE STAGES (All in Excellent Condition)
  • Volume 1; Acipenseridae through Ictaluridae
  • Volume 2; Anguillidae through Syngnathidae
  • Volume 3; Aphredoderidae through Rachycentridae
  • Volume 4; Carangidae through Ephippidae
  • Volume 5; Chaetodontidae through Ophidiidae
  • Volume 6; Stromateidae through Ogcocephalidae
Rohde FC, Arndt RG, Lindquist DG, Parnell JF (1994). Freshwater Fishes of the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. (Excellent Condition, original cover)

Scott WB and Crossman EJ (1973). Freshwater Fishes of Canada. Bulletin 184. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Ottawa 1973 (Good condition, cover worn)

Etnier DA and Starnes WC (1993). The Fishes of Tennessee. University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville (Excellent condition)

Jenkin RE and Burkhead NM (1993). Freshwater Fishes of Virginia. American Fisheries Society Bethesda, MD. (Excellent condition, in plastic cover)

Becker GC (1983) Fishes of Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison. (Excellent condition, in plastic cover)

Menhinick EF (1991) The Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina. NC Wildlife Resources Commission. Raleigh, NC (Excellent condition)

Helfman GS, Collette BB, and Facey DE (1997). The Diversity of Fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, MA (Excellent condition)

Hildebrand SF and Schroeder WC (1928) Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay. Reprinted in 1972 from the 1928 edition, originally issued as vol 53, pt 1 of US Bureau of Fisheries Bulletin. (Very good condition, cover in great shape)

Marshall NB (1966). The Life of Fishes. The Universe Natural History Series Universe Books, NY (original excellent condition, paper cover slightly torn)

Manooch CS (1991). Fisherman’s Guide: Fishes of the Southeastern United States. North Carolina State Museum of Natural History. Raleigh, NC (Very Good Condition)

Bone Q, Marshall NB, and Blaxter JHS (1995, 2nd Edition). Biology of Fishes, 2nd Edition. Blackie Academic Press, Chapman & Hall. NY

Wootton RJ (1990). Ecology of Teleost Fishes. Chapman Hall, London.

#2 Guest_blakemarkwell_*

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Posted 13 May 2014 - 08:46 PM

I emailed him and, much to my chagrin, they were already sold. That was one hell of a deal. I've been wanting a copy of Fishes of Wisconsin for some time now, but refuse to pay the exorbitant price that used ones are going for (and yes, I know it's free online).

#3 olaf

  • NANFA Member

Posted 14 May 2014 - 08:41 AM

I was hot for the Becker too. We'd gotten as far as planning how I would pay him and how the boxes of books would be shipped when he discovered a previous message from a local buyer. I asked if he'd ask that buyer if he would sell me the Becker, but that was the one book he most wanted as well! So close!
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#4 Guest_blakemarkwell_*

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Posted 14 May 2014 - 04:25 PM

Yeah, we'll probably see that very book on Amazon in a couple of weeks for $800....

#5 Guest_fritz_*

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Posted 27 May 2014 - 07:19 PM

Maybe I will offer mine up in an online NANFA auction since y'all appear to be salivating to get one.

#6 olaf

  • NANFA Member

Posted 18 September 2014 - 11:25 AM

Blake gets the award for best fish book psychic. His absurd, hyperbolic, laughable prediction was only off by $6.77.
Years ago I signed up to get email notices when Becker's "Fishes of Wisconsin" is for sale somewhere. 2-3 times a year I get an alert. It's never once been under $200, but today's alert set a new record.

Fishes Of Wisconsin,
George C. Becker
University of Wisconsin Press, 1983, Hardcover, 0299087905
Bookseller: ExtremelyReliable, Richmond, TX
Price: US$ 806.77

It's a useful book, but it's nowhere near that useful.
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#7 Guest_blakemarkwell_*

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Posted 18 September 2014 - 03:14 PM

I think for such a close prediction, I should get a shrink-wrapped copy of Becker's Fishes of Wisconsin sent to my doorstep....

#8 Guest_jblaylock_*

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Posted 26 September 2014 - 09:11 AM

Wow, I checked that book on Amazon. What makes it so expensive/sough after?

#9 Guest_fundulus_*

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Posted 26 September 2014 - 07:22 PM

A lot of used book prices are screwy high because online dealers often use automated pricing systems that will react to news of other sales of the same title by sequentially raising the price without human oversight. Thus we see nutty things like the Becker book listed for $806. If you directly communicated with a human it's likely it would come down to a mere $200 if they really think you'd send them that much.

#10 olaf

  • NANFA Member

Posted 27 September 2014 - 08:46 AM

I'll bet that somewhere in Madison, WI--probably in a basement or garage--there are boxes of them that never got shipped or sold. Whoever finds them wins.
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