#1 Redlip Shiner or Saffron Shiner
Location: Brush Creek (36.485759,-81.004966) - Little River --> New River
The sampling data for the site shows redlip shiner as the most common species in 2013. Saffron shiner is not mentioned. That's probably enough to call it a redlip, but I want to make sure they weren't misidentified. I can't for the life of me tell the two species apart.
#2 New River Highland Shiner
Location: Big Laurel Creek (36.443250,-81.613731) - New River
I feel pretty confident that this is the New River Highland Shiner. I'd like to know more about its split from the rosyface / highland / carmine shiners, and what common name is most appropriate. I think I've seen both New River highland shiner and Kanahwa rosyface shiner mentioned. Is there any literature about the split?
#3 Thicklip Chub or something in the Hybopsis genus
Location: Johns River @ Corping Bridge (35.833815,-81.711671) - Catawba River
The idea that a Cyprinella could be so similar to a Hybopsis chub is new to me. Sampling reports show thicklip chubs in the area, and I don't really see any other contenders.
Thanks for the help!