Collecting last Saturday

Collecting in West Michigan
Started by
, Jun 09 2014 02:08 PM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 09 June 2014 - 04:48 PM
Since you couldn't be with us in NC, I'm glad you were out in the water somewhere! (... while we were catching redline and gilt darters, saffron and fieryblack shiners, etc). 22 sp sounds pretty good for a lake! What's the shiner? Looks very much like N. petersoni in NC.
Posted 09 June 2014 - 09:37 PM
central stoneroller
common shiner
hornyhead chub
blackchin shiner
rosyface shiner
fathead minnow
black redhorse
tadpole madtom
central mudminnow
western banded killifish
starhead topminnow
blackstripe topminnow
rock bass
largemouth bass
rainbow darter
Iowa darter
least darter
johnny darter
yellow perch
........Didn't get but usually get.
western blacknose dace
creek chub
white sucker
northern hog sucker
black bullhead
brook silverside
brook stickleback
common shiner
hornyhead chub
blackchin shiner
rosyface shiner
fathead minnow
black redhorse
tadpole madtom
central mudminnow
western banded killifish
starhead topminnow
blackstripe topminnow
rock bass
largemouth bass
rainbow darter
Iowa darter
least darter
johnny darter
yellow perch
........Didn't get but usually get.
western blacknose dace
creek chub
white sucker
northern hog sucker
black bullhead
brook silverside
brook stickleback
Posted 10 June 2014 - 10:43 AM
Interesting how many lake-dwelling darters you have in the northern states. In the Carolinas we have very few darters in lakes, I guess do to: 1) few natural lakes for them to have evolved in; 2) shallow littoral areas get too warm while deeper cooler layers get oxygen-depleted from organic matter decaying.
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