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Killifish + Mojarra ID

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#1 Guest_FishyJackson_*

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Posted 01 July 2014 - 09:28 PM

Caught in Sarasota Bay, in the Mangroves

Are all 3 of these Gulf Killifish, just different genders?

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I'm certain this is a type of Mojarra fish but not sure exactly which one

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#2 Guest_associatedboy_*

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Posted 02 July 2014 - 09:08 AM

3 killis are all gulfs Fundulus grandis. The mojarra is more difficult. It is definitely a Eucinostomus, but there are about 5 different species it could be in Sarasota and they can be a real pain to ID without looking at some details under a microscope or doing some body measurements, especially if they are under 40 mm standard length.

#3 Guest_FishyJackson_*

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Posted 02 July 2014 - 03:33 PM

Thanks for confirming the Gulf Killies

I kept the small Mojarra in case more would be required for an ID, so I can do try to count fins or something like that

#4 Guest_mzokan_*

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Posted 02 July 2014 - 09:11 PM

for the mojarra, you'll need to look at the scale patterning on the snout between the upper jaw and the eye


#5 Guest_FishyJackson_*

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Posted 03 July 2014 - 01:20 PM

I just checked out the Mojarra, it's pretty decently preserved but it's hard to make out the type of scale patterning in that area? Is there another way that you know of?

#6 Guest_mzokan_*

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Posted 04 July 2014 - 09:07 AM

Like associatedboy said it could be any of 5 similar species, Eucinostomus mojarras are really difficult especially when small. PM me your email address and I'll send you a publication that may help you ID these mojarras. Once you know what to look for it isn't too bad.


#7 Guest_FishyJackson_*

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Posted 04 July 2014 - 09:59 AM

thanks Marcus, PM sent

#8 Guest_FishyJackson_*

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Posted 23 July 2014 - 02:24 PM

does anybody here have the means to ID this mojarra in a lab with DNA or something like that? Is that possible? I'll pay whatever the cost (well unless it's crazy expensive or a huge ordeal) . I was unable to ID based on the overhead view of the head probably because it faded. I was going to just let it go as unidentified , but I really want to know what it is haha, thanks in advance

#9 Guest_FishyJackson_*

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Posted 10 August 2014 - 08:37 AM

I was able to get a DNA test on the Mojarra haha, figured I'd share the results...drumroll please....The Mojarra was officially... a Silver Jenny Mojarra

#10 Guest_Doug_Dame_*

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Posted 10 August 2014 - 12:59 PM

You are a man who will not be denied an ID !

#11 Guest_FishyJackson_*

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Posted 10 August 2014 - 04:50 PM

Very true Doug, and may this be a message to the sea animals out there...If you bite Fishy Jackson's hook you will be identified any means necessary

#12 Guest_FishyJackson_*

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Posted 10 August 2014 - 04:56 PM

Hey how come I'm still listed as a NANFA Guest? I thought I was a member as of last month

#13 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
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Posted 10 August 2014 - 05:59 PM

Got you fixed there FishyJ... sorry about the delay! Now you need a better avatar!
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

#14 Guest_lilyea_*

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Posted 10 August 2014 - 07:15 PM

FishyJackson - would you be willing to share the process you went through to get the fish ID'd? For example, did you submit a fin clip or the whole preserved fish? Did you do any preparation yourself (chemicals, primers, PCR, etc.) or did you let the lab take care of the whole process? What were the steps the lab took (e.g., PCR, sequencer, etc.). If you were to do it again what would you differently? Thanks.

#15 Guest_FishyJackson_*

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Posted 10 August 2014 - 10:26 PM

thanks Michael- You're right I need to upload an avatar pic. Will get on that

Lilyea- The fish was only 2 inches long and it was dried out, so I just sent it in to the lab whole. The lab took care of the whole process. The company actually does the DNA tests for seafood, so this was a special request and they were nice enough to do it for free.

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