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Aquatic Worm ID

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#1 Guest_NotCousteau_*

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Posted 30 July 2014 - 10:43 AM

Hi All,

I've noticed these off-white/yellowish-colored worms in the substrate of a lotus plant I bought from a local garden center. I'm wondering if anyone can identify what type they are from the photo. (Sorry for the glare.)

I'm also wondering if, should a positive ID be made, it'd be OK to feed them to my fish. I know that this garden center supplies a lot of lotus and other aquatic plants for local pond gardeners who keep fish, so I am fairly sure/HOPE that there is no dangerous chemicals in the dirt.


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#2 Guest_gerald_*

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Posted 31 July 2014 - 02:05 PM

If their tails wave like Tubifex, they are probably something in the Tubificidae family. If not, then they might be one of the Enchytraeidae, which includes whiteworms, grindalworms, potworms, most of which are not aquatic. Anyway they should be fine to use as fish food.

#3 Guest_NotCousteau_*

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Posted 31 July 2014 - 02:44 PM

Thank you, Gerald! I saw a robin fishing worms out of the tub.

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