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Natives To Breed In a 10 Gallon

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#1 Sean Phillips

Sean Phillips
  • NANFA Member
  • Allegheny River Drainage, Southwest PA

Posted 07 September 2014 - 04:38 PM

Just got back from my local fish club auction and took home two tanks and a breeding group of Cory cats. The one tank will be used for fry from those fish but I also got a 10 gallon (20"x10"x12") that I'd like to make another native tank out of. I'd like to do some type of native that I can breed in a tank that size as well. Here's a few things I was considering:
*Pygmy Sunfish (Breeding Colony)
*Bantam Sunfish (1M:2F) (not sure what tank size they need)
*O-Spot Sunfish (1M:2F) (again, not sure about tank size)
*Gambusia/Mosquitofish (Breeding Colony)
*Least Killifish (Breeding Colony)
*Any species of Darters that are easy to breed? (Please specify species)
*Any species of Shiners or Dace that are easy to breed? (Please specify species)

What would you guys put in a 10 gallon?

Sean Phillips - Pine Creek Watershed - Allegheny River Drainage

#2 Guest_Stickbow_*

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Posted 08 September 2014 - 01:19 PM

Least killies (H. Formosa), Leptolucania ommata (Pygmy killifish), and Elassoma spp would be (and are) my choices for a ten gallon...the two former most easily breed, as Elassoma are more territorial, which can create conflict and even loss of fish if you have plenty of different fish to pair up.

I wouldn't do Gambusia in a ten - you'll have a population explosion too quickly -- or too much cannibalization of fry. The males will fight a lot eventually, too. I have 100+ Gambusia spp. babies right now, all within three days of each other in age - luckily I dumped the moms into a delivery tank so I can keep them out of the tank with the others. You could feed the fry to the fish in your 30 or 75 if you wanted though.... :biggrin:

The ten would be okay for sailfin mollies too, if you have access to them and want to play with a little more brackish water.

#3 Sean Phillips

Sean Phillips
  • NANFA Member
  • Allegheny River Drainage, Southwest PA

Posted 08 September 2014 - 06:35 PM

Thanks! I, actually debating using the 10 for Cory fry now so are there any natives I could do in the 5.5? Breeding or not breeding. After I rethinked it I think a 10 would give me longer time to rear fry. Any darters possible to breed in a 5.5? Dimensions are 16"x8"x10".
Sean Phillips - Pine Creek Watershed - Allegheny River Drainage

#4 Guest_mikez_*

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Posted 09 September 2014 - 11:36 AM

Least killies are perfect. I have a colony in a 2.5 gallon and they are the first fish I've kept in it that truly seem at home in the tiny tank. In a 10 you will get a cool large mixed size colony that is always busy.

You didn't mention rainwater killies but they are another good choice for a ten. Easy egg layer to breed, but requires rescue of fry from parents so true self sufficient "colony" is tough.

I would respectfully disagree with the suggestion that sailfin mollies can be kept in 10 gallon. This is pet shop myth and responsible for the disappointment of many potential molly breeders. You can keep a couple/few alive for a long time, even get some babies at first, but it never takes, the babies don't grow, the adults wither and look ugly and die. For long term native US molly colony, 50 gallons should be minimum.

#5 Guest_Stickbow_*

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Posted 10 September 2014 - 02:54 PM

Mike - you're right a colony of mollies - or about anything we haven't listed here -- will over populate a ten gallon and just be miserable.

A small group or trio of sailfins are good in a 10 as a "breeding colony". Like Gambusia, they'll eventually overpopulate the tank though.

Haven't had rainwaters - need to find some and try :)

#6 Guest_mikez_*

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Posted 11 September 2014 - 08:13 AM

Yer right, acourse. :biggrin: I forget that I automatically think in terms of what I like myself. At this late stage in my hobby I tend to want only species that can be set up as hands off self sustaining colonies. All I do is feed and housekeeping and the tanks hum on for years and I never buy or add fish. A few mollies, while crowded and uncomfortable, would live long in a well maintained 10 gal. If the babies are removed and grown out elsewhere you could still keep a lasting population.

#7 Sean Phillips

Sean Phillips
  • NANFA Member
  • Allegheny River Drainage, Southwest PA

Posted 11 September 2014 - 10:50 AM

Thanks guys but mollies aren't my thing as much as natives to around me (PA). Are there any darter species that would live comfortably as a pair in the 5.5 (16"x8"x10") for life or at least for a long time?
Sean Phillips - Pine Creek Watershed - Allegheny River Drainage

#8 Guest_Stickbow_*

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Posted 12 September 2014 - 01:13 PM

Thanks guys but mollies aren't my thing as much as natives to around me (PA). Are there any darter species that would live comfortably as a pair in the 5.5 (16"x8"x10") for life or at least for a long time?

I can't comment on PA darter species; am in the deep south; I've had limited experience trying to breed darters, and have only kept a few of the species that are down here in da swamps

#9 Guest_mikez_*

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Posted 13 September 2014 - 02:15 PM

Plenty of darter keeper here who might chime in who know more than me, I only dabbled in darters and never bred them. I have kept swamp darters a bunch of times and half a dozen would probably do good in a 10. On your own with breeding but I bet it wouldn't be too hard. Good thing about them is they don't need a stream set up with fast water.

#10 Guest_Skipjack_*

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Posted 14 September 2014 - 07:22 PM

Lucania goodei will breed in a ten. Nice looking fish too, but not from your area. Darters are not particularly easy to breed. So you local choices are limited.

#11 al10

  • NANFA Guest
  • North Carolina

Posted 17 November 2014 - 09:10 PM

Old tnread, but in a 5.5g u would do least killifish, or bluefinkillifish, withsom ghost sheimp x)

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