...Snowbird, the Mailslinger-Finchaser 2007. Four cylinders of magazine dealing, dipnet wielding fury. The minivan that thinks she's an H1.
Here's the thing, some of her work (mail)and play (fish)needs are quite similar; roominess, decent gas mileage, good visibility, et cetera. But I'm hoping to make Oklahoma this summer -why do I hear laughing?- and I want to trick the ol' girl out right for the adventure. If you could design an over-the-road fish hauler, what would be standard equipment for you? No fru-fru, high tech stuff. I drive without ac in the summer and without heat in the winter. That stuff is for sissies. Sissies with better budgets than mine...
At all times there are multiple towels, three and five gallon buckets, a dipnet, a seine, a baitbucket net, handfuls of Kosher salt, Michael Wolfe's cooler, a bathing suit, a change of clothes appropriate for the season, stank-funk waders, a pair of equally dicey river shoes(aka ratty sneakers), an ultralight spinning rod, and an assortment of fishing tackle guaranteed to not have what I need. Even at work these things ride around with me and I still have plenty of room! When I hit the streams this beast also sports a DeLorme, field guides, a photo tank, a camera, and usually binoculars.
I assume this stuff is all standard, entry-level fish nerd equipage. But for those of you with savvy, what would you suggest a rookie like me pimp out his ride with to have the best fishy experience at a convention that's half the country away? I do want to bring a modest number of fish home, and will be camping I am sure...