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Anybody have a copy?

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#1 dac343

  • NANFA Member

Posted 16 June 2015 - 05:00 PM

I know this is a long shot but does anybody out there have a extra copy of "The Zoogeography of North American Freshwater Fishes"?
David Cravens

#2 fritz

  • Board of Directors

Posted 16 June 2015 - 09:23 PM

I have a xerox copy of most of it. Is there a chapter you are interested in?

#3 dac343

  • NANFA Member

Posted 17 June 2015 - 08:54 AM

Honestly, looking for a copy of the book.  Found it on Amazon but it sits around $300 dollars for a used copy and having been burned before on good condition books on Amazon I was hoping to find a better source. 


However, chapters of particular interest to me;


Zoogeographic implications of the Mississippi River basin.

Zoogeography of the fishes of the central Appalachians and central Atlantic Coastal Plain


Can't find a table of contents but anything that covers KY.

David Cravens

#4 Josh Blaylock

Josh Blaylock
  • Board of Directors
  • Central Kentucky

Posted 18 June 2015 - 08:18 AM



It's a long shot but I'd check 1/2 price book&music in Lexington.  Also, Glover's Bookery on S. Broadway, this place would be more likely to have it.  I stopped in looking for the Distributional Atlas and they knew of it, but didn't have a copy.  I suppose you could check EKU library  :biggrin:

Josh Blaylock - Central KY
NANFA on Facebook


I hope to have God on my side, but I must have Kentucky.

- Abraham Lincoln, 1861

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