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FW snails

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#1 Guest_kycat_*

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Posted 11 April 2007 - 12:05 PM

Hello all, I seem to have an addiction to snails. i am looking for some of the more unusual FW snails in the US. I know there are several imports taking over in areas but, if anyone runs accross smoething a little different ***please*** let me know. florida seems to have a great number of varieties of natives, as well as other parts of the US. come on everyone help an addict out!!!! i really need a fix!


#2 Guest_Histrix_*

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Posted 11 April 2007 - 04:16 PM

I have a very diverse snail colony growing in one of the fish labs here... I'm currently using it to feed puffers and cichlids. But you're welcome to some if you want them. I'm not sure what they are, but I know I have at least three different species in there. Want some pics?

#3 Guest_kycat_*

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Posted 16 April 2007 - 02:14 PM

I have a very diverse snail colony growing in one of the fish labs here... I'm currently using it to feed puffers and cichlids. But you're welcome to some if you want them. I'm not sure what they are, but I know I have at least three different species in there. Want some pics?

if it wouldn't be to much trouble, some pics would be nice!

thanks tim

#4 Guest_Histrix_*

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Posted 30 April 2007 - 10:10 AM

Here are some pics for you:

Attached File  Snails1.jpg   42.77KB   0 downloads

Attached File  Snails2.jpg   49.1KB   0 downloads

Attached File  SnailFarm.jpg   56.19KB   1 downloads

#5 Guest_Kanus_*

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Posted 30 April 2007 - 10:35 AM

Looks like a nice population of pond snails, ramshorns, pink ramshorns, and malaysian trumpet snails.

#6 Guest_Histrix_*

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Posted 30 April 2007 - 02:21 PM

I guess I'll have to go snail hunting and find some Michigan natives for you, kycat...

#7 Guest_edbihary_*

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Posted 30 April 2007 - 05:02 PM

It looks like you have a major snail infestation problem :wink:

#8 Guest_AndrewAcropora_*

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Posted 30 April 2007 - 06:25 PM

I wouldn't call that a problem if you have hungry puffers :D

#9 Guest_Skipjack_*

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Posted 01 May 2007 - 06:20 PM

I wouldn't call that a problem if you have hungry puffers :D

Or greenside darters!

#10 Guest_kycat_*

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Posted 01 May 2007 - 06:31 PM

I guess I'll have to go snail hunting and find some Michigan natives for you, kycat...

That would be great!!!!!!!!!!! Also, I might like some of those MTS and the pinks too.

#11 Guest_iturnrocks_*

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Posted 09 May 2007 - 05:52 PM

accidental double post

#12 Guest_iturnrocks_*

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Posted 09 May 2007 - 05:52 PM

Here is one of the snails I scooped at a temporary pool in NE Kansas. This thing is dropping eggs all over the tank. One of them has some weird "appendage" coming out the back side of it that seems like its not natural. I will add a pic of it if I can remember to take one.
Posted Image

#13 Guest_kycat_*

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Posted 10 May 2007 - 10:58 AM

Here is one of the snails I scooped at a temporary pool in NE Kansas. This thing is dropping eggs all over the tank. One of them has some weird "appendage" coming out the back side of it that seems like its not natural. I will add a pic of it if I can remember to take one.
Posted Image

This image is pretty nice itself. are those the eggs, little circles, you spoke about?

#14 Guest_iturnrocks_*

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Posted 10 May 2007 - 03:24 PM

This image is pretty nice itself. are those the eggs, little circles, you spoke about?

Yep, heres a better angle to see the eggs. There are little patches like this all over the tank.

Posted Image

#15 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 10 May 2007 - 10:54 PM

My Redhorse likes snails, all I hear all night after cleaning them out of my planted tanks and dumping them in his tank is him smashing their little shells against the side of the tank all night long, my wife loves it! LOL!

#16 Guest_iturnrocks_*

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Posted 28 May 2007 - 08:09 PM

I added a log to the tank so the salamanders could climb on to let me know theyre ready for land life. The snails seem to like the top life too. This also makes it much easier to snap a decent photo- even for my crappy camera. This one looks different from the rest.

Posted Image

#17 Guest_gerald_*

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Posted 29 May 2007 - 09:18 AM

Thats one of the Physidae pond snails, genus is either Physa or Physella. Ive seen ones with white bands like yours in a trib of James River in VA. What kind of Ambystoma salamander is that ? spotted ?

I added a log to the tank so the salamanders could climb on to let me know theyre ready for land life. The snails seem to like the top life too. This also makes it much easier to snap a decent photo- even for my crappy camera. This one looks different from the rest.

#18 Guest_iturnrocks_*

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Posted 30 May 2007 - 12:04 AM

What kind of Ambystoma salamander is that ? spotted ?

Its either a smallmouth or Eastern Tiger. Im in Kansas City. Most likely smallmouth. I had 3 in this tank, 2 have already changed. the 1 remaining seems to enjoy a neotonic lifestyle. We'll see.

#19 Guest_itsme_*

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Posted 30 May 2007 - 11:24 PM

Hey, you need a copy of this poster I saw once. It showed photos of many of the very unusual, some rare, native freshwater snails. I saw it at the Illinois NANFA convention in Urbana. But I think the poster was from U Virginia or such. Does anyone know? There are some really cool snails, many in the TN, KY, AL, MS, GA region, I think. I've seen a few out there.

#20 Guest_tglassburner_*

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Posted 31 May 2007 - 08:22 AM

I was wondering how that tank was setup, Filters, water temp, feeding regimen. I would like to get something like that going at my house.


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