Will you be using McDonald Jar or Heath Tray?
Making triploids is easy with a pressure shocker chamber. We do it with local Rainbow Trout producer and will repeat as part of a hatchery course in a couple of months. Triploids to grow faster once cohort reaches breeding size.
Probably a jar but may make my own out of 2 liter softdrink bottles just for the fun of it. I have an old fish culturist journal from the AFS that shows how. I love building stuff myself. Sometimes it even works better than off the shelf equipment.
It may be easy to produce triploids out of a pressure shocker chamber, but the price of one is out of my league. I suppose I could have one built if I wanted to. But I'm purchasing the eggs so it's irrelavent.
I'm going with the diploids as I may have to rear them in the earthen flow through pond the first cycle as I might not have my partial recirc competely on line. My understanding is the triploids are a tad more sensitive to oxygen issues due to their fewer red blood cells. And my taxidermy customers want to see those secondary sexual characteristics as in kypes and body shape changes. My thinking is that may be subdued in triplods?
My first challenge for the incubator and PRAS will be deciding how I want to filter out the iron: purchase an expensive dual iron filter or go with a DIY unit. I think I can handle the latter as I've already built a simple filter that gives me a few hundred gallons of gin clear iron free make up water per day for my warmwater ras.