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O-spots tank size

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#1 freemanyu

  • NANFA Guest
  • Los Angeles

Posted 18 February 2016 - 08:57 PM

Hi everyone, how many adult orangespotted sunfish can I keep in a 20g with little aggression? how many in 40g? Thanks!

#2 littlen

  • NANFA Member
  • Washington, D.C.

Posted 19 February 2016 - 07:04 AM

Hi freemanyu,

Let me save you some trouble before the Sarcastic Wolves of Isengard arrive ....(as a very similar question, and string of not so serious answers about another species is currently going on)....


Please use the search function.  There have been a lot of previous discussions on both Orangespotted sunfish, as well as sunfish stocking densities.  You will pretty easily be able to answer your own question(s).  But, once you have a more solid game plan, post another, [narrowed down] question and we would be happy to discuss whether or not it would work.  A lot of the thrill of native fish keeping is figuring out what will work as there isn't a definitive mathematical equation for the perfect tank.

I hope I'm not dissuading you from seeking information from experienced fish keepers on this forum.  We have the search bar there for your use and hope you can find the information that has been covered thoroughly in the past.  Try searching for the obvious; "Orangespotted", "Sunfish", "Stocking density" "20-40 gallon" etc.  Good luck!

Nick L.

#3 freemanyu

  • NANFA Guest
  • Los Angeles

Posted 19 February 2016 - 02:06 PM

Hi freemanyu,

Let me save you some trouble before the Sarcastic Wolves of Isengard arrive ....(as a very similar question, and string of not so serious answers about another species is currently going on)....


Please use the search function.  There have been a lot of previous discussions on both Orangespotted sunfish, as well as sunfish stocking densities.  You will pretty easily be able to answer your own question(s).  But, once you have a more solid game plan, post another, [narrowed down] question and we would be happy to discuss whether or not it would work.  A lot of the thrill of native fish keeping is figuring out what will work as there isn't a definitive mathematical equation for the perfect tank.

I hope I'm not dissuading you from seeking information from experienced fish keepers on this forum.  We have the search bar there for your use and hope you can find the information that has been covered thoroughly in the past.  Try searching for the obvious; "Orangespotted", "Sunfish", "Stocking density" "20-40 gallon" etc.  Good luck!

Hi littlen,


Thanks for the reply! Should be more specific about the question...actually I have read almost all the posts about OSS on NANFA, size, compatibility...  before keeping them, I know they are one of the least aggressive and smallest Lepomis. sp. but I'm still a little bit concerned about them.


Currently I put 5 OSS in a 20g(24*12*17) planted tank with lots of vals, rocks drift woods...the filter is nearly 220 gph so don't worry about it. The OSS are all around 2 inch long and there are only 5 swamp darters with them. for most of the time the OSS are quiet peaceful, but they do chase each other(for fun?), no injuries though. I'm still afraid that 20g would make them(or some of them) "stunted" or they might fight each other when fully grown.


I also have a 40g breeder tank and a 20g long tank, I haven't set them up yet, still looking for a cheap way to buy lid and light. If 20g is too small for 5 OSS, I would not hesitate to use a 20g long or 40g.

#4 Irate Mormon

Irate Mormon
  • NANFA Member
  • Crooked Creek, Mississippi

Posted 19 February 2016 - 07:57 PM

Can I interject an opinion on this matter?

-The member currently known as Irate Mormon

#5 gzeiger

  • NANFA Guest

Posted 19 February 2016 - 09:48 PM

Not until you change your avatar.


I would use a 40 for five sunfish, even for most Enneacanthus. They'll be happier.

#6 Irate Mormon

Irate Mormon
  • NANFA Member
  • Crooked Creek, Mississippi

Posted 20 February 2016 - 08:15 PM

Don't make me drag out the heavy artillery! You want a different Avatar? Don't say I didn't warn you!

-The member currently known as Irate Mormon

#7 Betta132

  • NANFA Guest
  • San Gabriel drainage area

Posted 21 February 2016 - 02:38 AM

Sunfish don't chase for fun. Those are territorial/dominance spats, albeit very brief ones. If none of them are being hammered on to the extent that they aren't getting enough food or look banged up, you will have a problem. That might happen when they reach sexual maturity. If they're all out in the normal and acting un-stressed, they're fine. 

The filter doesn't increase how much bio-load you can have in your tank, not by much. There's still a limit, and once those sunnies reach full size, your tank will be overstocked. Honestly, I'd keep just one sunny in that tank and have a minnow-type fish of some sort to go along with the darters. 

Now, a 40g would be perfectly fine for 5 orangespots and some other small fish. That would be a very nice tank, actually, five o-spots and a bunch of minnows. Keep the 20g for darters. 

#8 freemanyu

  • NANFA Guest
  • Los Angeles

Posted 21 February 2016 - 03:07 AM

Thank you guys! setting up the 40g now!

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