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ORSANCO fisheries intern positions

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#1 gobucksjb

  • NANFA Guest
  • Ohio

Posted 22 March 2016 - 07:19 AM



ORSANCO's biological monitoring and assessment program is seeking recent college graduates and masters students to fill several internship positions. This program hopes that this term of employment will be used to further the education of the participants. All students enrolled in a program which includes an internship as a graduation requirement are eligible. Students can receive credit hours towards the completion of their degree through this internship. These internships offer the opportunity to gain experience in a wide variety of environmental monitoring techniques, boat operation, and teamwork. It is a rigorous schedule, but it is a rewarding program. ORSANCO works closely with all state agencies along the Ohio River, providing an opportunity for interns to form state contacts.


Priority deadline has passes (March 14th) but are still taking applications.  Positions to be filled by May 1st

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