So I plan on going to Bunker Hill Bogs soon, and I have 1 minnow trap that I have yet to use
Obviously the desirable fish species in that area, are small and insectivorous
Obviously putting mesh inside and zip-tying it to the interior of the trap should be enough to keep smaller fish (and some insects) inside the traps
But I have a few questions
1. What bait could I use for insectivorous fishes? earthworms? Bloodworms? Aquatic insects? Mosquito Larvae?
2. What kind of location (Along the shoreline) would make a could minnow-trap spot for a weedy lake like this one?
3. How much luck would I have leaving the trap.... 5 hours? (Given the length of the trip and the location I DEFINITELY cannot leave it overnight for a bigger catch)
4. Is using baits to attract tadpole madtoms and pirate perch (among other small fish) into the same trap going to lead to them eating each-other? if not, what can I use to lure madtoms

Minnow-Trapping smaller fish
Posted 13 May 2016 - 04:05 PM
"All good things must come to an end, but bad things think thats rather dull, so they stick around long after their natural end has come"
-From an art book I read
Posted 14 May 2016 - 12:23 PM
Pirate perch are much more readily caught by dipnet. Catfish of any kind will eat anything else unless there is enough bait for them to get full.
I know that I would catch more by dipnet... but I dont think anyone has tried to catch those fishes (Pirate perch, etc.) by trapping (And that one other post that did mention it I dont think we ever got the results of)
Either way im just trying to increase my chances
"All good things must come to an end, but bad things think thats rather dull, so they stick around long after their natural end has come"
-From an art book I read
Posted 14 May 2016 - 04:34 PM
I know that I would catch more by dipnet... but I dont think anyone has tried to catch those fishes (Pirate perch, etc.) by trapping (And that one other post that did mention it I dont think we ever got the results of)
Either way im just trying to increase my chances
I've tried to catch pirate perch in traps and even though they are quite common here I never have... A minnow trap is good for catching female gambusia's!
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