Hello all,
Now, first off let me start by telling you I know absolutely NOTHING about fish or fishing. But I recently purchased a large piece of land in Augusta, Maine and am working on building a home. When buying the land I found a rock quarry full of water in the back corner of my property. Its fairly large, but not like acres large... Id say maybe 300 feet long or so and not quite as wide. Very nice looking.. I'd love to swim in there during the summer! My girlfriend is scared there may be blood suckers, etc. in it and a lot of people are telling me to stock it with fish so they can 'clean up the water' .......
So I'd say my first question is what the heck fish do I put in there? I've called the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, but they are very dry people and don't seem to want to tell me much other than I need to get a stocking permit. I've asked some people around here and a lot of people seem to be telling me bass are best.. Now, the quarry does seem to still be spring fed, because even during the summer I can find a small stream of water in the back of it going down the hill. It does still turn a bit green during summer from algae (?) but for the most part looks like nice water.
Can you guys help me out at all? I have no idea what I'm doing...
Thank you!