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Minnewawa fish

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#1 FirstChAoS

  • Regional Rep

Posted 30 May 2016 - 11:17 PM

I took my Sealife out on a brief trip to the Minnewawa. 


The first fish I seen were longnose dace hiding under a rock. One of them seemed quite large for his species.




What could they possibly be doing behind this rock?




Could it really be, can it be true? My first spawning video? 




Fairly soon they went back to hiding and darting out, 






The next pool up (I was literally laying on the longnoses big rock to film this) I saw a friendlier pair of longnose dace. Smaller but much less timid. 








As I went my goggles were Fogging more and more, I forgot to apply defogger. I had to keep a little water in them and tip my head to clear my lenses. I crawled into a quieter pool off the main current and saw a fat fish with stripes dart by. What could it be? It way a brook trout! Their were two of them. My first underwater photos and video of a brookie ever. I am a bit proud of this. 













#2 Casper

  • NANFA Fellow
  • Chattanooga, TN alongside South Chickamauga Creek, just upstream of the mighty Tennessee River.

Posted 31 May 2016 - 09:48 AM

Josh... you can spit into your lens, finger it around and then rinse.  Works great and is always handy.  I have taken to starting my day with applying a drop of defogger to each lens but as the day progresses spit is required and the defogger is way back at the van.


I see Longnose Dace only in the highest headwaters here.  I like their sleek, suede like skin.


Are people still wearing flannel and long johns up there?


What do you think the water temp was where you snorkeled?

Casper Cox
Chattanooga, near the TN Divide on BlueFishRidge overlooking South Chickamauga Creek.

#3 FirstChAoS

  • Regional Rep

Posted 01 June 2016 - 02:15 AM

Here longnose dace are found in any rocky stream with fast current except maybe the coldest headwaters.


No flannel and long johns but residents are assigned a purple finch, purple lilac, and white birch upon joining as long as they agree to die if they cannot live free. :)


Not sure, colder than the pond I swam in saturday and it took me a while to enter, but not unbearable.


A bit embarrassing that the camera picked up on the tune I was humming that was stuck in my head.

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