Haven't had anything worthwhile to post in years.
Dealing with 5-6 90+ degree days forced me to look for something "cooling" to do.
I've snorkeled tons in the past, mostly salt water.
Sooo, off I go to a nearby partially spring fed stream.
Walking through the woods in a bathing suit, booties and carrying an old mask and snorkel (my old trusty Dacor
mask had kinda turned to dust).
Hit my old favorite, Sagamore Creek, a small trib of the Cuyahoga.
It's a small stream but has some longer 3-4' deep pools.
First pool in was shocking. I'm guessing 65 degrees.
As soon as I got in, I couldn't believe I hadn't done this before!
Back in my home element!
Spent a few hours observing.
Some pools easily had 300-400 fish in them.
Some pools had skittish fish, they calmed down in a few minutes, I'm guessing these pools might see a herron once in while.
The last pool I hit, fish came right up to me! They were swimming around me, bumping into my hands and arms.
Saw rainbow darters, johnnie darters, chubs, blacknose dace, sunfish, small largemouth bass, white suckers, northern hogsucker
and the coolest little 2-3" steelhead amd a I'm sure a few more I didn't id!
The view was incredible, felt like I was in the Florida Keys.
Now I'm hooked bad.
Already planning on hitting the upper reaches of the Grand River next.
Can a droid be put in a watertight case for still shots & videos?